This Week: What We Build With Mathematics

This Week: What We Build With Mathematics

Edited By Brian Bushart @bstockus

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Coding in Math Class
Presented by Dawn DuPriest (@DuPriestMath)

Coding is not just a hot trend. It’s a fundamental 21st century literacy skill, a key area of job growth, and a great way to model with mathematics. Through computer coding, you and your students can enjoy being creative problem-solvers and making original works of math. Where should you start if you’re new to this world? We’ll explore some topics that work well for beginning coders, learn the basics of a web-based programming environment, and leave with some lessons and lesson structures you can adapt for late elementary or secondary math learners.

To join the meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Did you miss the NCTM Annual Conference in San Francisco? Check out the recording of last week’s Global Math to hear favorite moments and takeaways from the conference.

What Can *You* Build?

Building a Love of Math

While many are still recovering from the excitement of NCTM 2016, I can’t help but to think of summer. Partly because my jealousy of not being able to attend this year makes me shut the thoughts of NCTM down in my brain. And partly because the fear of my daugther having a less than stellar 3rd grade teacher frightens me.

To minimize my worries, I have decided to create a summer notebook for her filled with activities to catapult her to a more confident school year. Buying a book from the nearest school supply store won’t make my free spirit want to work when it’s nice out. Although I have my own ideas, reading How to help you kids fall in love with math offered some really great starting points. The idea of learning through play is backed up by this post on Talking Math with Your Kids. Even dot activities like those discussed Joe Schwartz’s post Dot Crazy will help to promote mathematical thinking through art.

Written by Jenise Sexton (@MrsJeniseSexton)

Building a Podcast (and Audience)

Anne Schwartz (@sophgermain), a math teacher recently launched a teaching podcast called Chalkline. Her first two guests are rock-star educators Megan Hayes-Golding (@mgolding) and Rafranz Davis (@RafranzDavis), both of whom join Anne for wide-ranging discussions on issues of equity in education, as well as whatever topics come to mind!

Sometimes I get lonely as a teacher. Even though I’m in a building full of other educators, I rarely find the time to sit down for a casual chat with any of them. So eavesdropping on Anne’s conversations via this podcast is a great way to feel connected to other people who care about teaching and learning.

Written by Kent Haines (@MrAKHaines)

Building Projects…with Math!

I wasn’t lucky enough to attend the NCTM Annual in San Francisco, but thanks to Max Ray-Riek, (@maxmathforum), I saw this tweet:

Like a ninja, I made sure to get Margaret’s resources (by asking her for them!) She kindly gave me this link to her padlet wall, which is a veritable treasure-trove. It contains Margaret’s rationale behind and details on several projects that her students have done over the years, in which they digitally built a virtual thing, ie a bicycle or Rube Goldberg machine, using Dynamic Geometry Software. Initially, that was Geometer’s Sketchpad, and more recently, Geogebra and Desmos. Talk about right where my head is. I’m already planning next year’s trigonometry project for my students. Muahaha.

Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)

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This week: Access and Purpose at #NCTMannual

This week: Access and Purpose at #NCTMannual

Edited By Sahar Khatri @khatrimath

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Last week, Global math was on hiatus this week due to the NCTM Conference in San Francisco. Join us this week for

#NCTM My Favorites: Recaps from NCTM Annual Conference: San Francisco Edition! where speakers will share some of their favorite moments from NCTM16.

Join us tonight at 9PM EST/6PM PST by clicking here

Spotlight on NCTM Annual Sessions

NCTM 2016 and Purpose

The NCTM 2016 Annual was full of great ideas, resources, sessions, and experiences. I felt a common theme throughout many of the sessions I attended: PURPOSE. Because there is a lot to process. I know your time is precious, so I blogged about it here.
~ by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

Creating Accessible Learning Environments

As usual, the 2016 NCTM annual meeting & exposition was a whirlwind of excitement, ideas, and inspiration. Bright and early on Thursday morning, I led my first NCTM session about teaching math to students with disabilities called Students with Disabilities CAN Do Math. Christine Roberts took these amazing doodle notes during our presentation!

Our presentation was mainly about creating access for students with disabilities in math class. Whether this was on my mind (as it usually is) or not, other sessions I attended also seemed to have creating access for students (of all kinds) in math class as a focus.

(PS – Dan corrected me. This was not his quote, but a session participant!)
~by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)

Great Blogging Action

“Teaching on a normal day is balance.”

With all the reading and video catch-up I suspect many of us are doing post-NCSM/NCTM, I’ll keep this short.

I’ve been watching across social medias as different states begin their testing days for various disciplines. While I miss pretty much every aspect of classroom teaching, I cannot confess to missing reading instructions verbatim and scrutinizing students grouped by grade and name as they sit exams all sharpened pencils and big eyes eyes pleading for better spare calculators than the ones I had.

To everyone living through the experience now, I wish you the best of luck and recommend the latest blogpost by José Vilson who reminds us all of the connections and true cadence of the profession we chose that’s more fun than fun.

~Ashli Black (@mythagon)

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New Ideas Around The Blogosphere

New Ideas Around The Blogosphere

Edited By Carl Oliver @carloliwitter

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Last week Kasi Allen presented Math Trauma: Healing Our Classrooms, Our Students, and Our Discipline. “Math trauma” is a real thing, affecting students and adults at every level. Research from a range of elds—including psychology, cognitive science, and neuroimaging—indicates that such trauma keeps many students from succeeding mathematically. As math teachers, we play a powerful role in validating the condition and supporting healing. To view the recording click here

Global math is on hiatus this week due to the NCTM Conference in San Francisco this week. Join us next week for

#NCTM My Favorites: Recaps from NCTM Annual Conference: San Francisco Edition! where speakers will share some of their favorite moments from NCTM16.

Great Blogging Action

The Many Ways Things Make Sense


You know it’s a good workshop when everyone walks away learning something new. It’s an especially good workshop when ‘everyone’ includes the workshop facilitator!

At a workshop on increasing student engagement and discourse in the math classroom, Chase Orton (@mathgeek76) walked away with a number of new things to think about. In particular, he learned the power of one phrase that “opens up learning opportunities for all learners and puts the focus on explaining sense making rather than just getting answers”. In “The Powerful Phrase: ‘…in a way that makes sense to you’” Part 1 and Part 2, groups of teachers were working on a  Clothesline tasks, inspired in part by the work of Andrew Stadel and Chris Shore. As Chase was rearranging numbers on one group’s clothesline, the group said “Whoa whoa whoa!!  What are you doing?” This group had a clothesline that made sense to them, and as Chase wrote, “their order does indeed make sense if I would get out of the way to let them explain.”

The two posts bring out many ideas about how the teacher or facilitator can stay open-minded to the thinking that people work on in groups.

By Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)


I have a confession to make.  I love writing for this newsletter because it forces me to catch up on everything that’s built up in blog reader.  And when I do, the abundance of ideas is overwhelmingly great.  This afternoon, I forwarded 12 links to myself, took 5 screen shots, and made lists on 3 different pads.  

Tina Cardone wrote about setting up Math Practice Portfolios for her students last summer, and this week she’s given us a report on the results thus far, complete with examples of student work.  She’s created a wonderful structure for her students (and the rest of us!) to monitor their growth as mathematicians.

​I cannot WAIT to listen to Episode 1 of Anne Schwartz’s new podcast, Chalkline.  Anne writes about (among many other things) issues of social justice in the classroom, and she plans to address these in her podcast.  Her first guest, Megan Hayes Golding, addresses LGBTQ issues in teaching.  

​If you’ve never read about Jonathan Claydon’s Sidewalk Chalk activity, go do that right now!  For the last five years, he has taken his students outside to draw polar graphs on the sidewalk around the school.  The pictures are completely inspiring, and I’m wondering how I can add a little color to Brooklyn during our Coordinate Geometry unit…

Don Steward.  That’s all.  I know I’ve written about him before, but his prolific posts continually blow me away  – how does he come up with those beautifully simple yet rigorous ideas that go right to the heart of the structure of a topic?   Looking for a rigorous Geometry task?  This problem on the volume of a torus took my breath away, as I thought about how my students COULD actually do this.  This happens with post after post on this blog.

Finally, Evelyn Lamb delves into an error in Andrew Hacker’s book, The Math Myth: And Other STEM Delusions in her blog in Scientific American.  There are a lot of reasons (IMHO) to reject Hacker’s ideas, but I love Evelyn’s analysis of the story of Jeb Bush and the 3-4-5 triangle.

Cheers – Wendy Menard

Hot on Twitter: #NCTMAnnual starts this week

And stop by Booth 1335 (p. 193 in Program Book) to pick up a #MTBoS ribbon! @NCTM @themathforum @crstn85 @MFAnnie pasta? #MTBoS

Global Math Department and #NCTMAnnual

There are a number of presenters at this year’s NCTM Annual Conference who shared talk with Global Math earlier this school year. If you’re not able to go to San Francisco, you can still learn from these speakers by watching their talks below. If you are able to go to the conference, use the links below to find the rooms and times of each talk.

Presenter  Global Math Talk #NCTMAnnual Talk
Bob Lochel TMC15 – My Favorites Explore Variability and Inference with Student-Generated Data
Carmel Schettino Problem-Based Learning: Clarifying Misconceptions and Understanding Differences Mentoring Each Other: Teaching Teachers to Teach with PBL
Matt Larson An Update on Initiatives from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics A Brief History of Math Education: Lessons for Today
Amy Lucenta, Grace Kelemanik On-Ramps to Mathematical Thinking for Students with Learning Disabilities Through the Standards for Mathematical Practice Teach Your Students to Think Like Mathematicians
Heather Kohn TMC: History, 2016 Preview, Speaker Proposal FAQ Experiencing the Engineering Design Process through a Math Lens
Geoff Krall Designing Systems of Teacher Learning Around Student Work Experiencing the Engineering Design Process through a Math Lens
Robert Berry #blackkidsdomath Using Identity and Agency to Frame Equitable Teaching Practices
Shelley Carranza Desmos Activity Builder: Best Practices for Charging Up Your Middle School & High School Lessons Three Phases of Constructing Viable Arguments
Kasi Allen Math Trauma: Healing Our Classrooms, Our Students, and Our Discipline Healing Math Trauma: What to Do When Math Hurts

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This Week: Math Trauma, Ladies Who Code, Poster Projects, and a Challenge

This Week: Math Trauma, Ladies Who Code, Poster Projects, and a Challenge

Edited By Brian Bushart @bstockus

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Math Trauma: Healing Our Classrooms, Our Students, and Our Discipline
Presented by Kasi Allen (@math4justice)

“Math trauma” is a real thing, affecting students and adults at every level. Research from a range of fields—including psychology, cognitive science, and neuroimaging—indicates that such trauma keeps many students from succeeding mathematically. As math teachers, we play a powerful role in validating the condition and supporting healing.

To join the meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Last week at Global Math, Shelley Carranza shared about best practices for using Desmos Activity Builder to charge up middle and high school lessons.

Check out the recording here if you missed the presentation.

A Little Light Reading

Teacher-Ladies Who Code

This week I attended a screening of a documentary called “Coding: Debugging the Gender Gap”, which was organized by “Ladies Learning Code”, and hosted at the Montreal Google office. It was a fascinating evening, during which I got to meet some wonderful women coders, and as a bonus, get a look at the amazing environment that Google’s employees get to work in.  As a math teacher, I’m especially interested in integrating coding into the math class, something I fancy I’m sort of doing by getting my students to create their own interactive applets using GeoGebra. But I looked for female math teachers who really do use coding and found these:

Dawn DuPriest (@DuPriestMath) has an entire website called “Coding in Math Class” that is all about using coding as a math teaching tool.  I plan to read all of it. It’s exactly what I want to do. She also referred me to Diane Tepylo (@drtepylo) and Lisa Floyd (@lisaannefloyd), whose website contains a huge inventory of programs she’s created for integration in the math class.

Then this post by Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff) came along and made me rethink everything. That’s the way it is on Twitter.

Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)

It’s Not What You Got (It’s How You Use It)

Worksheets, lectures, and textbooks are just a few of the many elements of the math classroom that get a bad reputation. And yet each of these elements, when used thoughtfully, can support a deep and engaging math experience for students.

Jo over at Resourceaholic just wrote a great piece about another maligned element of some math classes: the poster project. She gives an example of a failed poster project and a successful one, both from her own classroom experience. It’s a great reminder that teachers can rescue many maligned teaching devices such as poster projects or worksheets and put them to good use. In the end, it’s not about the poster. It’s about whether the task promoted high-level mathematical learning.

Written by Kent Haines (@MrAKHaines)

28-Day Challenge

Have you been looking for a motivating challenge to get beach body ready? Or how about one to cleanse all the toxins from your system?

Well, then this post isn’t for you.

If, on the other hand, you’re looking for a 28-Day Number Sense Challenge, then keep reading! Christina Tondevold (@BuildMathMinds) is preparing to host a number sense challenge for PreK – 2nd Grade teachers. Even if you don’t work in those grade levels, consider joining the challenge to learn more about what concepts make up number sense and why they are such a crucial part of students’ mathematical understandings. The first challenge is being sent out April 17. Sign up now so you don’t miss it!

Written by Brian Bushart (@bstockus)

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Record Keeping, Blermions, and Other Good Reads

Record Keeping, Blermions, and Other Good Reads

Edited By Ashli Black @mythagon

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Interested in learning more about Desmos Activity Builder? Want to know how to use it to help your lessons and not hinder them? Join Shelley Carranza tonight to look at high school activities and draw out general best practices for teaching digital math lessons in middle school or high school.

The conference starts at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Click here to join!

Click here to check out last week’s conference, “In Transforming Intervention: Moving from Skills Remediation to Rich Problem Solving,” by Kassia Wedekind and Mary Beth Dillane.

Things to Check Out

Preparing for the end of (next) year


As the best of the #MTBoS books begin to arrive…


…and the excitement builds…


…and builds…


Michael Pershan (as always) brings up a good point in his new post, “If we’re going to have a book compilation of best posts at the end of the year, then I had better be a bit more scrupulous about collecting my favorite posts.”

Everyone should make an effort to record their favorite blog posts all year in order to have a more annually comprehensive “best of” book. Whether you tweet about your favorite posts, collect them in padlet, or blog about them like Michael (and others), just do it somehow. So this December, we don’t have a “Best of the Math Teacher Blogs in December 2016.”  

written by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)

Go Blermions!


Thanks to Sam Shah and the goodness of the #MTBoS, we’ve got a keeper for all you geometry teachers! Sam shares Teaching the Crossed Chord Theorem in all its coolness.  

I remember teaching intersecting chords to my geometry students; formulaic and bland.


After reading Sam’s post, I want an opportunity to run it with geometry students. Jennifer Wilson says it best in the comments, “What a beautiful journey of creation and collaboration and implementation for this learning episode. Thank you for sharing!”

Go blermions!


written by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

Two Reads to Check Out

the good folk over at Achieve the Core have been running a series on Adapting Materials for the classroom. The most recent post is on Essential Knowledge for Adapting Instructional Materials and written by @jody_guarino, an awesome elementary- ed specialist in Southern California.

On the geometry side of things, the initial draft of the CCSSM Geometry Progression for 7-8 and HS is now out!

written by Ashli Black (@mythagon)

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This week, The Madness Of March

This week, The Madness Of March

Edited By Carl Oliver @carloliwitter

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Intervention has traditionally been focused on skills remediation. Come explore how to transform intervention time into a problem solving workshop in which students build identities as mathematicians while engaging in rich problem solving. In Transforming Intervention: Moving from Skills Remediation to Rich Problem Solving, Kassia Wedekind and Mary Beth Dillane will share videos of mathematician interviews from Mary Beth’s 5th grade classroom that both illustrate the changes students experienced over the year and left us with many questions and wonderings about what was next for these students and others. Join us tonight at 9 EST here.

Last week Shelley Aaberg presented Bringing the World Outside School Into Your Math Classroom. Everyone’s got problems (of the math variety), especially people outside your school. Whether it’s an oil storage tank in an auto shop, a mailbox on a mail carrier’s route, or raising public awareness about rabies-infected skunks, seeing the math in the world is easy. Turning that math into a lesson or an activity for students is the tricky part. To view the recording click here.

Great Blogging Action

The Madness of March


March is often a rough stretch for schools. Summer is so far away, the year began so many months ago, and the bag of tricks seems to be empty. There just isn’t much for anyone to get excited about. The early spring doldrums can stretch in to the classroom, affecting students and teachers as well.

As Justin Aion writes in his post Disconnection, “When you give an assignment that allows students multiple options and the one they choose is ‘I’m not doing this,’ it makes it very hard to gather the enthusiasm to put your energy into finding a new one.” When students are not pushing themselves to do their best, or do anything, it may not be fair to shoulder the burden of their lack of effort. This is also the case for students who immediately look for help when they struggle in their work. There maybe some students who look for adults to help them out at the first sign of difficult. Elizabeth writes in her post What to do when strong students struggle that the times that “…you have to be willing to allow them to struggle. Only then can they truly own their own success.” Sometimes, the answer to teachers’ struggles with students is to allow the students to do some of that struggle for themselves.

March is certainly a time where teachers think about how to serve students better. It certainly takes a lot of work and probably a lot of different strategies in order to come up with a recipe that will produce the outcomes you want. In Culture and the Kitchen Sink, Geoff Krall was trying to synthesize a visit to a building with exceptional school culture when he noticed that there wasn’t one clear strategy that led to their success. “Then it dawns on me: none of these things produce exceptional school culture. All of these things produce exceptional school culture. It’s all of these things that are producing the culture that I just experienced, and certainly more practices that I didn’t witness.” Certainly success will involve a number of different approaches, and the support of many people, including the students and staff. 

By Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)

“The only answer I know — the only answer I trust — is that you have to be willing to allow them to struggle.”
                                                ~Elizabeth (@cheesemonkeySF)


The Struggle is All Too Real


Elizabeth’s latest post, What to do when Strong Students Struggle is a reminder that the struggle is real for all of our students at one time or another. This is something that resonates with a lot of educators and parents so it’s great to to be able to connect. The best way to help? Step back, let them struggle, and own their failures and successes. Like many teachers, it’s really hard to stand by and watch students struggle. A part of me feels like I am not doing my job, but then again holding their hands and spoon feeding them isn’t in my job title either.

After reading her entire post, don’t forget to check out the NYT column Elizabeth mentioned, “How Can you Make a Student Care Enough to Work Harder?”  The article mentions that research has shown that they way to increase intrinsic motivation is to back off and promote autonomy. Step back, let them struggle, and own their failures and successes. And then head over to Dylan Kane’s post on how he is messaging productive struggle in the classroom. So while the struggle is real, it doesn’t have to be painful.

By Sahar Khatri (@khatrimath)


Viable Arguments and Critiqued Reasoning

I always enjoy a post about the Standards for Mathematical Practice because they help strengthen and improve my own understanding.
In the past, Steve Leinwand and Andrew Stadel have praised the power of SMP #3-Construct Viable Argument and Critique the Reasoning of Others.  This time it’s Robert Kaplinsky.  If you want to improve your own understanding you need to check out Robert’s take on SMP#3.
Written by @gfletchy (Graham Fletcher)

Hot on Twitter: #NCTMAnnual is around the corner

And stop by Booth 1335 (p. 193 in Program Book) to pick up a #MTBoS ribbon! @NCTM @themathforum @crstn85 @MFAnnie pasta? #MTBoS

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Keeping It Real (World) at Global Math Department

Keeping It Real (World) at Global Math Department

Edited By Brian Bushart @bstockus

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Bringing the World Outside School Into Your Math Classroom
Presented by Shelby Aaberg (@ShelbyAaberg)

Everyone’s got problems (of the math variety), especially people outside your school. Whether it’s an oil storage tank in an auto shop, a mailbox on a mail carrier’s route, or raising public awareness about rabies-infected skunks, seeing the math in the world is easy. Turning that math into a lesson or an activity for students is the tricky part. We will see examples of engaging math problems from the community. We will discuss a teacher’s considerations when deciding how to incorporate problems from the world outside school and some of the challenges teachers may encounter when collaborating with people outside the education world.

To join the meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Last week at Global Math Jessica Balli shared about using peer feedback to increase student understanding.

Check out the recording here if you missed the presentation.

Looking at the Past, Present, and Future

Simply the Best (of Last Year)

Tina Cardone and Ilana Horn have done yeoman’s work by compiling the best posts of 2015 from around the Math Twitter Blogosphere (#MTBoS). Their new book, The Best of the Math Teacher Blogs 2015, is now available! In it, you will find many of Global Math Department’s favorite presenters and contributors, as well as new faces that you might not have heard from before.

Additionally, all profits from this book go toward scholarships to help teachers attend Twitter Math Camp in the summer. If you want to support this community while getting a compilation of its best work, this is your chance. Check it out.

(Full disclosure, one of my blog posts is included in this book. But I would be a full-throated supporter of the book regardless, just because I think it’s a great resource for our community.)

Written by Kent Haines (@MrAKHaines)

Current Events

On my radar this week: Keeping organized, and getting ready for end-of-year exams. Cathy Yenca’s post about how she uses googledocs to keep valuable resources organized. It fits with something  I once heard an organizational guru say: “Organization is really about retrieval.” Amen to that.

In my province, there has been some discussion lately about how to best use tools like GeoGebra and Desmos in an exam setting. This article about Geogebra exam mode explains how access to the internet and other types of software are restricted and monitored during an exam. I haven’t yet given any kind of test other than paper-and-pencil, but this offers an interesting alternative.

Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)

Thinking Ahead

I’m already thinking of next year. This year at school we have focused on implementing formative assessment lessons with fidelity. While this instructional practice has infiltrated the day-to-day instruction of some teachers, others are not quite comfortable doing it without a prepared script. This may ring true for you as well. For many teachers, comfort may come from Dan Ehlert’s post 5 Practices: Stacking Cups.

Within the post, Dane provides a strategic approach to implementing problem-based learning, which begins with a book. I love the excerpts from the book infused into the post as they are aligned with Dane’s thought process. It may be helpful for the reader to follow in the footsteps of this blogger and implement the same or a similar 3-act or problem-based task.

Written by Jenise Sexton (@MrsJeniseSexton)

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Good Reads from the Online World

Good Reads from the Online World

Edited By Ashli Black @mythagon

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Tonight at GMD, Jessica Balli will present on Using Peer Feedback to Increase Student Understanding. This presentation will highlight strategies that allow students to communicate their own thinking and then respond to the thinking of others. By asking students to give feedback to their peers, they become the audience and the authority, as opposed to the teacher, who takes on the role of a facilitator. Come learn how you can give your students more opportunities to reason, communicate, and take responsibility for their own learning!

The conference starts at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Click here to join!

Last week at Global Math, Peter Bohacek and Matt Vonk presented on Using Direct Measurement Videos to Learn to Make Mathematical ModelsClick here to watch the replay.

Things to Check Out

Binging Professional Development


If you are like most Americans, you love binge watching TV until you pass out on the couch, snoring, with the remote dangerously close to falling out of your hands, crashing to the floor, and waking you up!

Hey man, no judgements! We’re here to help!

Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 6.12.10 PM.png

Graham Fletcher just released the third installment in his Making Sense Series: Progression of Addition and Subtraction. Jenise Sexton went in depth into the first episode about the Progression of Multiplication, here. In between, Graham released the second episode about the Progression of Division. So grab the comfiest part of the couch and feel free to binge, because the season finale is on its way, based on some sweet insider info!

Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 6.24.38 PM.png

written by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)

Make Mistakes Progress

Audrey McLaren sparked my interest multiple times in her recent post: Rethinking How We See Mistakes. Essentially, she’s sharing her thoughts on how to better react to student mistakes in math class by embracing them, as to encourage students to make progress. I’m all for this! Here’s my favorite response from Audrey you could use in class with students tomorrow, “That’s the best mistake I’ve seen today!”

Read more here. It won’t be a mistake.

written by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

Happy International Women’s Day!

+Plus Magazine is an online publication out of the UK “which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.” Currently run by two female editors, over the years they’ve published many articles on women in mathematics that are great for sharing with your classes today! This article is filled with with links to information on mathematical heroines from the past (Emmy Noether! Sofia Kovalevskaya!) and present (Dorit Aharonov! Sandy Black!) as well as articles by female mathematicians and podcasts from the International Conference of Women Mathematicians in 2010 and the European Women in Mathematics Conference in 2007.

And never forget xkcd’s contribution to the conversation of women in the sciences.

written by Ashli Black (@mythagon)

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This week, Amazing Resources and Important Ideas

This week, Amazing Resources and Important Ideas

Edited By Carl Oliver @carloliwitter

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Online Professional Development Sessions

This week, we have

Peter Bohacek & Matt Vonk joining us to present

Using Direct Measurement Videos to Learn to Make Mathematical Models. This talk will demonstrate how students can study linear, quadratic, inverse-square, and sinusoidal functions using these videos. We’ll also show how students can learn how to evaluate competing models by making and testing predictions. Join us tonight at 9 EST here.

Last week Pamela Weber Harris presented 

Problem Strings: A Lesson Structure for All Students. A problem string is a powerful lesson format where all students learn, have access to the problems, and are challenged. This was one of the highest viewed talks this year and it provided participants a chance to look at problems such as solving proportions, decimal operations, and solving equations. To view the recording click here.

Great Blogging Action

Amazing Resources and Important Ideas

As I cleaned out my back-logged blog reader, the notable posts fell into two major groups: Amazing Resources and Important Ideas.  Let’s be alphabetical and talk about Amazing Resources first.

  • If you don’t know about Find the Factors, go check it out. Now.  Every week, Iva Sallay creates six new puzzles at varying levels of difficulty which challenge your number sense and logic.  They are a great resource for differentiating in your classroom, and for keeping your own skills sharp.  Every week – six new puzzles – amazing!  
  • Speaking of puzzles, I’ve mentioned Solve My Maths before, but last week the blogster shared 5 ‘starter packs‘ – complete workbooks of mathematical challenges suitable for starting class, ending class, differentiating in class, reinforcing number concepts – you name it.  And the activities are presented in puzzle-type format, which is always a great way to engage students.    
  • I confess that I found this next link in a post from Resourceaholic – Revision Mats from Access Maths.  These beautifully laid out grids contain a plethora of review problems on specific subjects.  I particularly liked the QR Code posters.  Explore the website – it’s a delightful rabbit hole of resources.

And now for Important Ideas.

Start out with Common Errors Made by Math Teachers, again from Resourceaholic.  You may or may not have made these mistakes in your classroom, but it’s good to read through them for a check.  And speaking of mistakes, you can follow up with this reflection by Audrey McLaren on how we treat our own errors in the classroom.  We tell our students [rightly so] that it’s okay to make mistakes, that mistakes provide learning opportunities for everyone in the room, that research on growth mindset shows that our brains grow when we make and correct mistakes.  But what about when we as teachers make errors, or flail about a bit in front of the class? Audrey’s got some great thoughts about how to use – even glorify – mistakes in the classroom for maximum learning potential, and how to embrace our own errors for the benefit of our students and ourselves.

How could the blog post title Why Don’t the Black Kids Like Math and Science: Easy Answers NOT grab your attention?  This post, on The Hip-Hop Chess Federation blog, is a must read for everyone.  This article addresses how we can vest black students in their math education by providing them with historical background on mathematical discoveries and contributions by non-Europeans.  We can do this by educating ourselves first, and the article is filled with references and links to resources for exactly that purpose.   Glenn Waddell  wrote about this article, and reflects on the imperative for teachers to know the students they are teaching, and to learn how to teach them – not just teach math, but as Glenn puts it, teach people.

Lots to read, lots to think about – 

Wendy Menard


Hot on Twitter: Fraction Talks

This one is baffling me. What Fraction is shaded?

Can you reason a minimum amount? maximum amount? #mathchat #MTBoS


Over the past year it’s been great to watch Brain Bushart share and grow his idea of Numberless Word Problems.  In his most recent post, Brian explains how he constructs numberless word problems and provides some great insight into the work behind the scenes. The only problem with numberless word problems is that Brian can’t churn them out fast enough to keep up with the demand.  He needs your help.  If you’ve ever used a numberless word problem please consider donating your brain to Brain.


Crowd Source

If you’re a fan of Estimation180, Visual Patterns, WODB, Open Middle and other similar sites of awesomeness, then you’ll need to add FractionTalks to the list.  Nat Banting is spearheading this charge as he looks to unlock the gateway to algebraic reasoning. Use a picture…take a picture…submit a picture. You can follow along on twitter by adding the handle @FractionTalks.

All of us are smarter than one of us.


Written by @gfletchy (Graham Fletcher)

“Accessibility in mathematics is more than making the print on the worksheet bigger or giving one kid base ten blocks, it is creating a classroom culture when a teacher plans for every student in the room to be successful from the beginning.” 

~ Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)

It’s been really exciting to see the conversations surrounding supporting students with disabilities within the context of math education. In case you missed it, Andrew Gael (@bkdidact) recently blogged about math and accessibility. There has been a tendency to view students with disabilities as not normal which has in turn affected equitable access to education. Instead of supporting our students with the lens of deficit thinking, he proposes two lesson planing guides to increase rich access to mathematics, Universal Design for Learning which recommends providing multiple modes of access for students and a toolkit provided by the Education Development Center which helps educators understand students in the room by breaking down need and strengths into 8 categories. Check out his entire post for details and be sure to check out the document produced this week during #swdmathchat (Students with Disabilities Math Chat) 9 Types of Curriculum Adaptations, with specific recommendations for math, to support GenEd teachers teaching students with disabilities. Let’s continue the conversation on the twitterverse!

Written by Sahar Khatri (@khatrimath)

Have you visited the Global Math Department Website Lately?

Over at we have been doing a little housekeeping. Putting some things away, adding some things. It’s worth checking out, and if you have any thoughts, feel free to let Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter) know.  Thanks!

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Global Math: Of Problems and Strings

Global Math: Of Problems and Strings

Edited By Brian Bushart @bstockus

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Problem Strings: A Lesson Structure for All Students
Presented by Pam Harris (@pwharris)

A problem string is a powerful lesson format where all students learn, have access to the problems, and are challenged. The success hinges on the order, the discussion, and the teacher modeling student strategies to build connections. In this webinar, you’ll experience strings of problems such as solving proportions, decimal operations, and solving equations.

To join the meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Last week at Global Math Jenise Sexton shared about implementing effective mathematics instruction by first meeting the emotional needs of our students.

Check out the recording here if you missed the presentation.

Mining the MTBoS: Literacy Connections, Perseverance, and Visual Patterns

Literacy and Math

At our school, we are working to create a culture of reading. Our data shows our students’ lexile scores are lower than the average middle schooler, promoting our administration to develop a plan of action. Part of the plan is to incorporate literacy standards within every content area including mathematics. This could be a difficult task but these bloggers are on to something.

Within her Chipmunk Error Analysis post, blogger Rachel lays out how she is able to get her sixth graders to give a lot of thought into the mathematical mistakes of others. It appears within her post, Rachel purposefully creates problems showing the errors of 3 students with famous chipmunk names. Purposeful as she wants her students to consider the use of various strategies. What I love about her blog is her coverage of multiple error analysis based on concept, reminds a bit of Math Mistakes.

On Math Equals Love, there’s a means for having students analyze their own errors. With the reflection sheet posted on the blog, students identify their own errors and develop a corrected solution prior to completing a retest. Consider the evidence they must gather from the text, which is their own work. They also must support their claims of error with reasons as they develop the new solution.

Bringing technology into the error analysis action, the post from Tech Adventures in Middle School Math Class discusses the use of an iPad to help with the analysis. Through the use of an iPad, students are able to upload their error analysis, similar to how Andrew Stadel set up the activity within this post, and complete related practice activities.

Written by Jenise Sexton (@MrsJeniseSexton)



Perseverance is my theme this week. What we do when things don’t work out so well – which happens pretty much every day in this line of work.

My friend John Golden (@mathhombre) wrote this post about his struggles with one particular class, which include not being able to get them to talk to each other. Talk about a problem with which I, and I’m sure many of us, are familiar. John is persevering by changing things up in order to accommodate these students’ challenges, but at the same time nudge them out of their comfort zones. Scaffolded worksheets and math writing are the strategies he describes in this post. I love his assertion that he is “teaching the students in front of me, rather than some fantasy class.”

Jennifer Vadnais (@RilesBlue) persevered with a “Desmos Activity Builder that flopped”. In this post, she outlines two attempts, in two different classrooms, to teach the same lesson using a Desmos Activity. In both cases, the activity started off well, but then lost steam at about the same place. Jennifer redesigned it so that the activity was integrated with vertical white boards, in fact, she switched things around so that the Desmos activity slides played a supporting role to the VWBs. She accommodated not only her students, but the teacher who, with good reason, was keen on using these boards.

Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)

Feedback Around Visual Patterns


Visual Patterns have been a mainstay of the MTBoS for years now. Fawn Nguyen’s site is an excellent resource for teachers interested in using these fun, simple patterns to foster creative math thinking.

Michael Pershan recently posted an essay he wrote about the ways that students think about visual patterns, and the ways that teachers can provide feedback to help them move between various modes of thinking. Michael mentions at the outset of his introduction that this is an unfinished work, but there is still plenty of thought-provoking commentary about the strengths and weaknesses of visual patterns as a math task. If you teach with visual patterns, do yourself a favor and check out this essay.

Written by Kent Haines (@MrAKHaines)

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