How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators? (Part 1)

How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators?

Presented by: Megan Holmstrom

As we engage in professional development with teachers mathematics teaching & learning, we have found that asking three questions is a crucial place to begin the work with any group. As you think about the teaching and learning teams you are a part of, consider these three questions:
Who are we?
Why are we doing this?
Why are doing this this way?
NCTM’s Guiding Principles for School Mathematics states that, “Professionalism [exists] in an excellent mathematics program, [when] educators hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for the mathematical success of every student and for their personal and collective professional growth toward effective teaching and learning of mathematics” (Principles to Actions p.5 – NCTM 2014). How are we holding our collective accountability in shared professional growth?
Join us for discussion and engagement around job-embedded professional learning across PreK-G12 mathematics!

Hosted by:Marissa Grayson

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on June 11, 2019

Making Fluency Meaningful (Part 2)

Making Fluency Meaningful (Part 2)

Presented by: Anne Agostinelli

Note: This is part 2 of this podcast.

Have you heard about Math or Number Talks but wonder how to make them meaningful? Let’s explore what makes them effective: the protocol, talk moves, and the many resources from our #MTBoS community, along with ideas for making it all fit into your math classes.

Hosted by: Jessica Bogie

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on June 11, 2019

Making Fluency Meaningful (Part 1)

Making Fluency Meaningful (Part 1)

Presented by: Anne Agostinelli

Note: This is part 1 of this podcast.

Have you heard about Math or Number Talks but wonder how to make them meaningful? Let’s explore what makes them effective: the protocol, talk moves, and the many resources from our #MTBoS community, along with ideas for making it all fit into your math classes.

Hosted by: Jessica Bogie

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on June 11, 2019

Jump-Start Number Sense and Reasoning in 10 Minutes

Jump-Start Number Sense and Reasoning in 10 Minutes

Presented by: John SanGiovanni

Do your students struggle with reasoning about numbers? Are they challenged to think about the reasonableness of their solutions? Are you looking for practical, high-quality tasks to engage students and ignite discussion? In this session, participants learn about dynamic, doable activities engage students in reasoning and discussion. A collection of ready-for-use resources will be provided and explored so that pursuit of number sense becomes a daily routine. These resources naturally complement each and every lesson in any K-2, 3-5, or 6-8 mathematics class regardless of the “core” program.

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on June 4, 2019

Teacher Cloning

Teacher Cloning

Presented by: Ranjani Krishnan

Note: Some of the volume for this podcast is low.  You may need to adjust your speaker volume to compensate.

‘I am not enough’ is the feeling I used to get everyday after each class and each day’s work. I wish I could clone myself and spread myself around the classroom so I can meet the needs of every student. Luckily, an online program named Gauss Academy Webwork came to my rescue. With this tool students work online on challenging problems, get instant feedback, engage in a risk-free yet productive struggle, while, I, the teacher can interact with students meaningfully by conducting discussions at the white board with these students about these problems. I have also been cutting my class sizes in half, so to speak, by setting different groups of students into different zones of productivity. One group would work on video note-taking, while the other would work on Gauss Academy Webwork. I redefined video instruction for my classes. After completing video note-taking, students would show me their notes, answer the inquiries posed in the videos, summarize notes, and then debrief with a classmate. I wouldn’t call my video note-taking model “flipping” the classroom, however. I am excited to say that with these two “cloning” tools, I am able to bring face-to-face conversation with students back!

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on May 28, 2019

Math Buddies: Effective Peer Tutoring

Math Buddies: Effective Peer Tutoring

Presented by: Kateri Thunder

Peer tutoring has the potential to accelerate student achievement (Hattie effect size = .53). In fact, under three conditions, the effect is as high on the person doing the tutoring as on the person being tutored. How do we orchestrate these meaningful interactions among peers? Come learn how to implement peer tutoring between two different grades for weekly math lessons. Unpack the three conditions that make peer tutoring effective and be inspired with ideas for your own “Math Buddies” lessons.

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on May 21, 2019

Google in the Math Classroom (Part 1)

Google in the Math Classroom (Part 1)

Note: This is part 1 of this podcast.

Presented by: Mandi Tolen

When people think of Google Apps, they think about typing papers and making presentations, not math. Google apps, extensions, and other Google tools can help make your classroom a rich learning environment. This session will be full of activities, ideas, and resources to help you differentiate, engage your students, and get them creating, communicating, and thinking.

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on May 14, 2019

Google in the Math Classroom (Part 2)

Google in the Math Classroom (Part 2)

Note: This is part 2 of this podcast.

Presented by: Mandi Tolen

When people think of Google Apps, they think about typing papers and making presentations, not math. Google apps, extensions, and other Google tools can help make your classroom a rich learning environment. This session will be full of activities, ideas, and resources to help you differentiate, engage your students, and get them creating, communicating, and thinking.

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on May 14, 2019

Mathivate…be the best fraction of a kid’s day!! (part 2)

Mathivate…be the best fraction of a kid’s day!! (part 2)

Note: This is part 2 of this podcast.

Presented by: Kim Thomas

M-A-T-H What does it spell? Best subject ever!!  Let’s celebrate KIDS + YOU + MATH!! You will leave this celemathbration with mathtastic learning experiences to implement in your classroom. Be ready to have an amathazing time with projects and activities that are personalized for kids. Mathlicious ideas like Math Muscles, Equationanza, MEflection SymMEtry, Fraction of Your Brain, MathO’ween, Namerea, Christmath Trees, Yahmathzee, and Fracordiddles will put a positive parabola on everyone’s face!! Most of these activities can be adapted to any grade level, but the primary focus are middle school grades – Bring your mathitude to this celemathbration!!

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on April 30, 2019

Mathivate…be the best fraction of a kid’s day!! (part 1)

Mathivate…be the best fraction of a kid’s day!!

Note: This is part 1 of this podcast.

Presented by: Kim Thomas

M-A-T-H What does it spell? Best subject ever!!  Let’s celebrate KIDS + YOU + MATH!! You will leave this celemathbration with mathtastic learning experiences to implement in your classroom. Be ready to have an amathazing time with projects and activities that are personalized for kids. Mathlicious ideas like Math Muscles, Equationanza, MEflection SymMEtry, Fraction of Your Brain, MathO’ween, Namerea, Christmath Trees, Yahmathzee, and Fracordiddles will put a positive parabola on everyone’s face!! Most of these activities can be adapted to any grade level, but the primary focus are middle school grades – Bring your mathitude to this celemathbration!!

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on April 30, 2019