Projectile Project by Kim R

I continue to be fascinated at the learning potential of creating digital things so that they behave a certain way. @mathhombre shared this tumblr post by, as near as I can tell, “Smoot”. Or gingercatsneeze, not sure. Simply fascinating read about how animating an object under force lead the animator to understand force on another level. There couldn’t be a more delightful merging of art and science.
Which leads me to coding, currently on my summer learning list, specifically how to incorporate it into my classes, and this article by Idit Harel (@idit). Which at first I thought would discourage me but actually did the opposite – it made me feel that I was on the right track.
Finally, this post by José Picardo is about a study done by West Point about the impact of technology in student learning, which concludes that it has either no impact or a negative one – IF – done without purposeful guidance by a teacher. No surprise there. What I liked most about the article was the way he uses analogies of language fluency acquisition to using edtech to its potential. Typos notwithstanding, it’s a superbly well-written and finely layered piece.
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)