Why am I hoarding zombie pens? Growth mindset! Let me explain:

This week, it’s not so much math that’s been on my radar, but “growth mindset”, of course as it applies to math. At our first staff meeting this year, we watched this inspiring talk by Eduardo Briceño. What he said that keeps resonating for me is how the idea of effort is a negative thing to someone with a fixed mindset, but a positive thing to someone with a growth mindset. This is a huge issue for math education. After all, how many of our students think of effort as punishment for not getting something right away? I’m pretty sure that just changing that one perception would be huge. And the difference can be simply about the words we use, like for example, putting the word “yet” after “I don’t understand.” I’m not a touchy-feely person, though, so before you roll your eyes and move on, here’s a great article by Jackie Gerstein about whether or not this is just another fad. I figure it’s worth a shot, for myself and for my kids. I’m going to walk the walk and talk the talk, starting with this zombie problem from TedEd. Which I haven’t solved. Yet.
written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)