So Many  Resources!

So Many  Resources!

Edited By Carl Oliver @carloliwitter

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Last week, Chris Harris (@charrismath) presented the talk: Introduction to Number Talks for Grades K to 12. This talk shared the who, what, where, why and how about Number talks for Elementary, Middle and High Schools.

Check out the recording here.

This week (Tuesday, September 15, 9 PM EDT) join Jennifer Bogie and others for the session Warm-ups: What are they good for?

Join us here to reserve your seat and attend the session.

Great Blogging Action

Amid the business of a starting school year, it is easy to lose sight of the many resources that can help with teaching. The resources online that help us prepare for lessons. The other teachers who can serve as a resource through their blogging. And of course the often overlooked resource of students’ parents and families who can help, with perhaps a little direction.

April might be the cruelest month, and students might think September is (so long, summer…), but for me it’s been a non-stop bonanza of ideas, resources, and connections.  On any given day, my browser has 10 tabs open (or more) because I have come across must-have, must-try mathematical and/or classroom gems that I still need to pore through, tag, file in Evernote, or print.  

When I sat down to write this post, I flipped through my blog feed and instantly found even more goodies.  This is what I’m looking at now, and what I recommend you take a look at as well.
For math-y fun, try Christian Perfect’s 30 second arithmetic challenge, which I found on theAperiodical.  Trust me, you’ll be addicted.  This is the first time I’ve across this blog, which definitely bears more exploration, but for those of us and our students who love to mess with numbers in our heads, the 30-second challenge is great fun.  By the way, I found my way to this blog via theResourceaholic, who posts weekly recommendations of – you guessed it – resources; if you aren’t subscribed to this site already, you should be.  Right now.  
This retweet came through my twitter feed just a little while ago, so I went over to Rachel Fruin’s blog,Classroom Fruition, to see how she was incorporating a Ted Talk into her math classroom.  Rachel reflects thoughtfully and articulately on the activities she uses in her high school classroom, and as evidenced by her use of the Ted Talk, is creative in find ways to engage her students in problem solving.  Definitely a blog to keep my eye on.
Finally, I highly suggest you subscribe to Lisa Winer’s blogs, Eat Play Math and tech4scots (co-written with Carolina Seiden).  Lisa shares widely and specifically classroom tech strategies and tools, complete with inspiring examples, easy to follow instructions, and compelling enthusiasm.  It’s great to hear about new ideas, but even better to have someone talk you through an implementation strategy.  
I could keep going – my browser now has even more tabs open (the more OCD members of my family are quite horrified, in fact).  But I promise you, if you just dip your toe into the resources I have mentioned, I am certain you will be off on a treasure hunt of your own.
Cheers – 
Wendy Menard

As football season ramps up, baseball playoffs begin to take shape, and leaves begin to change color, there’s one thing that’s sure to follow… the smell of blogging will fill the air.   There is no possible way to highlight one single post, so if you’re new to the elementary blogging world, I’d love to introduce you to some people that will help your dendrites grow over the course of the next year.
Joe Schwartz’s recent post shows how you can take a game from previous year and make it better.  If you’re looking for ways to incorporate more feedback in your skill set, you’ll want to check this out.
Kristin Gray is leaving the classroom for one year and will be sharing her understanding and love ofNumber Talks throughout her school as she works as a math coach.  If you’re a newcomer to Number Talks or a season veteran, lots of goodness is sure to come out of Delaware this year.
If you work at the district level and want to learn how to incorporate the #MTBoS and all its’ awesomeness into your everyday practice, you’ll want to check out Brian Bushart as he blogs and shares his district happenings at #rrmathrocks. Brian also helps moderate #ElemMathChat on Thursdaynights at 9:00pm EST.
If you’re looking up for ways to cross-pollinate subjects, then Malke’s what the doctor ordered.  Tweeting under the name Math in Your Feet she gives the perfect blend of math and art, dance, music…and quite frankly, whatever else she can tie math to.  She’s brilliant!
Steve Wyborney is always up for sharing through his animated posts that help students build a conceptual understanding. 
Mr. Harris doesn’t have a blog, but you’ll definitely want to check out the way he engages his first grade class and embraces a #growthmindset through his twitter feed.
Lots of great things happening in the K-5 world.  When you stop by their blog be sure to leave them a comment and tell them thanks.
Written by @gfletchy who blogs at

September is a time for welcoming in new students, but that also means welcoming in new parents. Like many in my neck of the [concrete] woods, I’m preparing for open school night. This past week Matt Coaty(@mcoaty) shared his twist to curriculum night inspired by Fawn Nguyen’s last slide on.  Sometime last year Fawn Nguyen (@fawnpnguyen) shared the following slide:
Matt shares his elaboration to the parents for each section and gave concrete examples and tips to parents. Similar to Matt’s parents, mine find it hard to stomach number one. He states, for teachers and parent alike “It’s innate to help when our kids struggle.” I appreciate that he mentioned more than just not completing work for their children, but brought up building persistence and allowing struggle. I discuss a great deal about persevering through problem solving with my students and we spend so much time working on this in the classroom, but I’ve never thought about making that a key message to parents.

Matt’s post was a great reminder to make the connection between class and home. Read the rest of Matt’s elaborated message to the parents here.


If you want more math resources be sure to check out Global Math’s Project Page

Global Math Department Needs Your Help!

The Global Math Department is looking for individuals who are interested in planning the Tuesday night webinars hosted on Big Marker. GMD bookers contact potential speakers regarding speaking opportunities, and provide them with details on planning sessions. If you are interested in being more involved with the Global Math Department, contact Heather at or Dylan at

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