This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Chase Orton @mathgeek76
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Online Professional Development Sessions


Activities in the AP Math Classroom
Presented by Sharon Sterken and Randi Metz

Once we jumped on board the Student Centered Learning bandwagon, we found it very difficult to find quality, engaging, and fun activities in the AP math classroom. So, we decided to team up and share our ideas for other educators who are interested in adding pizzazz to their lessons.

This webinar was developed to have resources available to enhance instruction for fellow AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics educators.

Contact Info:
Twitter @girlmathX2

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week

A Computational Approach to Functions
Presented by Patrick Honner

Looking for a new approach to teaching domain and range? Or an opportunity for students to use their crossover computer science skills? Taking a computational approach to functions allows for the rigorous development of all the fundamental concepts in an active and creative way, while at the same time offering endless opportunities to extend deeper into both mathematics and computer science. If you teach about functions—and what math teacher doesn’t?—you will leave with something new to think about for your math classroom.

Register ahead of time by clicking here!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed

Notice & Wonder 
Amber Thienel (@amberthienel)\

I love a good notice and wonder. It does magical things to get students thinking and saying things I couldn’t possibly think of on my own. Seeing the connections and ideas that students come up with is impressive.

I was diving into the hashtag for notice and wonder (#noticeandwonder) and found some ideas that I would like to share with you. One of the most popular tweets right now is from Robert Kaplinksky (@robertkaplinsky) way back in June.

Another one that peaked my interest is a recent conversation from Paige Sheehan (@MrsSheehanMath) asking about how you get your students to capture their noticings and wonderings. Join in on the conversation if you have an idea to share.


Start a Math Club
Christelle Rocha (@Maestra_Rocha)

If you haven’t started a math club at your school, I highly recommend it. Jennifer Dao (@JDaoMath) posted about their math club and asked others to share activities for the year.

While I encourage you to look through the thread yourself, some resources were shared to help teachers get started on the right foot:

I’m grateful that Jennifer has been sharing their math club experiences, because I’ve gotten ideas on how to revamp the club at my school for the new academic year. If you are getting started or already have a club at your school, I’d love to hear how it’s going; I am shamelessly starting a hashtag, #OurMathClub with the hope that we can continue to share and learn from each other.

Sourcer Sorcery
Benjamin Dickman (@benjamindickman)

In this week’s GMD newsletter, I want to focus on the ways in which ideas are sourced (or not sourced). This does mean, in particular, that I have omitted material around new mathematical progress, a conference/conversation on professional norms in mathematics, and more.

Two inspirational tweets to kick it off: the first from @LBMathematician [in her quote-retweet of @mathedmatters] and the second from @ChristieNold:

Notice in the first image the concerns by generators of original ideas, especially in a case for which one’s livelihood (e.g., earning tenure as a professor) can be a function of proper attribution, and the valid concern expressed in the second tweet around conveying one’s newfound understanding along with those who supported it along the way.

I recently came across an @edutopia article (via Jerry Becker’s listserv) about the “Talk Moves” used at a particular school in Portland, ME. But, the article attributes various Talk Moves to this school – even though they appear in the math education literature! In fact, the first four Talk Moves named in the @edutopia document are precisely the first four from the Chapin et al work below:


Not cool, @edutopia (1.12 million followers!).

I noticed another attribution issue from @fermatslibrary (281 thousand followers!) for whom this is not the first time that work has been tweeted without attribution. In fact, that same link shows another instance in which a reddit user’s original work was tweeted without credit being given.

While these large-follower-accounts are not doing their due diligence in sourcing the content that they are tweeting out to a hundred thousand+ or a million+ people, there are a lot of great examples of proper attribution that came across my timeline recently.

So: To pivot positively, I’d like to highlight some of the quality instances of good sourcing practices in action. First, though, even when attribution and quoting go generally well, there can be another problem with journalistic practices: Picking the title of an article. For example, check out Kevin Buzzard’s response to a Vice article in which he was quoted.

Contrast the bad sourcing from @edutopia and @fermatslibrary with the @ReadPRIMUS account [managed by BK] in which attribution is provided even when the source has no recollection of their helpful remark!

Continuing with the proper sourcing theme: In linking to a NYT piece on mathematicians’ chalkboards, @nattyover credits the photographer and the writer and the person who brought the piece to her attention [the “h/t” abbreviation stands for “hat tip”].

I added links to a few more pieces about chalk, which includes three items by @MBarany.

Plus, an interesting comment about chalkboard handwriting from @katemath:

Among the many items tagged #NCTMBoston19 is the following from @beRealcoach. As to sourcing: Note that the tweet includes an attribution to the presenter, @NicoleBridge1, and that the slide includes an attribution to the writer, Zaretta Hammond.

@alittlestats links to a fascinating article about graphing calculators and their business model and cc’s @Desmos [see the article!] and includes another “h/t” [hat tip] to shout out @MathDoris.

Sam Shah writes a wonderfully reflective blog post in which he cc’s three people [spoiler: one of them is me due to my tweet here] and generously mentions the three of us at the start of the post, too.

Relatedly, @AlexPHoover posted about an Out List + Ally List from Spectra and credits @mikeahill.

Besides Ally Week, we have also been in Hispanic Heritage Month. Check out the #Lathisms hashtag, and the link provided by @zdearaujo here:

Finally, I was excited to read about David Eppstein’s efforts around wikipages for women in mathematics. I saw it in a tweet from @thegautamkamath; check out the link for more!

I hope those who have read this far enjoy the sourcing and sources in this week’s newsletter; as always, I will be grateful to anyone who wishes to notify me about other work that should be highlighted and/or amplified in and beyond math education communities. Hit my DMs, tag me, send me an email; whatever works!

Speaking of mathematical errors, I need to get one off of my chest: In the one REU math paper I contributed to there is a mistake in Remark 2.4. The constants should both be 1 [not both zero, which is what our paper says] if phi has good reduction [whatever that means]. This doesn’t affect correctness and is more of a “typo” than a “deep theoretical error.” But, it is not hard to imagine how small errors can ramify.

To see that this must be an error, one can note that cv and Cv are defined [see below] as being the maximum among various quantities that always include 1; of course, there is no way that 0 will be the max in a set that also contains 1. Logarithms are then applied to each, so it will be better not to be taking log(0)!

(Phew; I feel better already.)

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Nate Goza  @thegozaway
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Online Professional Development Sessions


ELL Strategies for a Regular High School Math Classroom

Presented by Jennifer Thomas & Kari Ferguson

Students need more literacy support in a math classroom due to different language levels, math abilities, and global perspectives. Through examining practice, teachers can focus on their formatting to ensure they are best supporting students.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week

Activities in the AP Math Classroom

Presented by Sharon Sterken & Randi Metz

Once we jumped on board the Student Centered Learning bandwagon, we found it very difficult to find quality, engaging, and fun activities in the AP math classroom. So, we decided to team up and share our ideas for other educators who are interested in adding pizzazz to their lessons.

This webinar was developed to have resources available to enhance instruction for fellow AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics educators.

Register ahead of time by clicking here!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed

Renewing Our Commitment

It’s the third week of the academic year and the first round of runny noses and germy hands has begun. Along that vein, the Federal Election is about 30 days away and our Prime Minister has been revealed in “brown face” prompting yet another round of fragility from Canadians unwilling to accept the reality of every racialized person living in this country.

This tweet by @RitikaGoelTO highlights the misuse of statistics defending indefensible social practices and how ‘facts’ seek to move the conversation away from the reality of systems of oppression by using large numbers to emphasize the ‘good’.

So, as these conversations intensify and we start to flounder in our commitment to social justice and re-humanizing mathematics, I invite you to read (often and consistently) this collaborative piece by 36 educators on the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board.

What we do is about the kids in our classroom, who are minute by minute soaking in every detail of our actions, words, facial expressions, and sighs.

I invite you to renew your commitment to;

  • continue to raise awareness of your own socio-cultural consciousness,
  • deepen your content knowledge for mathematics teaching,
  • and build and sustain a community that keeps you firmly planted in authenticity and love.


Classroom as Community, Students as Inviters

As the school year gets underway, we’re thinking about what it means for a classroom or a relationship to be “inviting,” and who gets to do the inviting. So often when we talk or hear or read about “inviting” spaces, we’re thinking about teachers signaling support and encouragement, creating physical spaces that are a comforting respite from the impersonal institution of school, designing lessons that are engaging and thoughtful.

But what if we were to think about students as the inviters instead?

If students are the ones doing the inviting— into their space, into their lives, into their experience in the mathematics classroom— and we as teachers don’t have permission to barge into that space unless invited, how does that change the way we thinking about teaching and relationships?

Do students own any of the space in math classrooms, or does the space belong to us, giving us the authority to decide who gets invited in based on the rules we set and the conditions we place on their welcome (…only if they “behave;” only if they “dress appropriately;” only if they “contribute”….)? Or are classrooms shared spaces where students and teacher negotiate the rights that each has in entering the other’s physical, intellectual, and emotional space?

And what if students invite us into some of their spaces but not others? In the same class we saw one student who would consistently invite their teacher into conversations as long as they weren’t about math, or invite them to help with problem #3 but then shut the door before #4 and another who was out on the front porch with lemonade all the time, constantly inviting the teacher into both mathematical and non-mathematical conversations. How many times do we knock on a door before accepting that it’s not open to us? Do we try to finagle an invitation, maybe by promising to bring cookies? Are there ever times we might barge in to their space anyway, out of concern or frustration?

To extend the analogy, we thought about classrooms as a large plot of land:

Students set up residence on some plot of land, and in exchange for enjoying the amenities provided by the community, take on some shared responsibility for making the community an enjoyable place to live. This might mean abiding by particular norms in shared spaces, regardless of what they do in their private spaces. If this were the case, how do we ensure that students occupy equitable amounts of space, and that different resources are valued? That the high status kids aren’t setting up huge homes with sprawling lawns and racing their Mercedes through the street? And how could we encourage students to develop the kind of community where everyone’s got a chair out on the front stoop, ready to collaborate with whichever neighbor drops by?

In your classroom “neighborhood,” what kind of zoning requirements and bylaws are enforced? Are the rules there for resident safety (like requiring fire escapes on every floor), for collective well-being (like limiting how often lawns can be watered during a drought), or for aesthetics (like outlining acceptable exterior paint colors)? And are these rules set in advance, or does everyone move in and just figure it out when someone wants to install an “unsightly” sculpture or have drum practice on the sidewalk at midnight?

We’d love to hear what you think.

Grace Chen (@graceachen) & Nate Goza (@thegozaway)

Mathematically Meaningful Choices

@TracyZager has begun assembling a list of mathematically meaningful choices that students can make on a daily basis. The responses include some great mathematical choices that weren’t in the original Tweet. Reflecting on the list makes me think about the moments when students ask us to “tell me what to do” or get stuck, thinking they “don’t know what to do”. Seeing all these choices helps me see that as a learner and doer of mathematics, I am probably freer than I think I am. I wonder if students would agree or if, like the paradox of choice, this list would cause the opposite reaction. Tracy, as usual, has given us a lot to think about!

Mathematically Meaningful Possibilities

@RichardElwes wrote a blog post reflecting on the responses he received to the following question:

Before reading Richard’s thoughts, it might be interesting to think about what you think and why. The post goes through several alternate justifications for each response. Each justification highlights the importance of defining terms and concepts but also all the rich mathematical possibilities that come from different starting points.

I’m reminded of the NCTM article, Is 1 a Prime Number?, which talks about one form of teacher development where participants share differing views of multiplication and how that impacts whether 1 could be a prime number. In a way, these kinds of activities of diving deep into definitions and working together to figure out their implications helps me see that not only can mathematics be beautiful but also mathematics pedagogy.

And Much More

There’s so much more happening in the online math ed world, I know I will have missed stuff (lot’s of stuff) with the list below. I apologize in advance!

@DavidKButlerUoA introduces us to Digit Disguises, a two-player game of algebraic deduction.

@math_mrestrada shares a strategy for collaborate proof writing and justification making.

@amynoelleparks recently published a paper in the American Educational Research Journal titled Centering Children in Mathematics Education Classroom Research. From her Tweet: “It’s what I’ve been trying to say since I was a grad student: Children have their own stories. They are not data points for evaluating teachers’ pedagogy”.

@mathwithmsyi pushes for descriptive mathematical language such as reading 2.3 as “two and three tenths” instead of “two point three” to help students make mathematical connections.

@carloliwitter points out that NASA has interactive graphs that track CO2, global temperature, sea level, and ice sheets. He’s thinking about turning it into a Desmos activity. It’s also worth checking out #makemathjust.

@geoffkrall shares a WODB (Which One Doesn’t Belong) that has elicited quite a few varied responses. Let’s add to the thread!


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This Week at The Global Math Department

Edited By Casey McCormick  @cmmteach
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Online Professional Development Sessions


Moving to SBG

Presented by  Farica Erwin

In my journey to make my grading policies match my teaching philosophy, I found Standards Based Grading. Six years of some trial and error, I now have a policy that works for my classroom. Join to learn about how to incorporate SBG, what worked, what didn’t work, how it affects homework policy, and how to still use a traditional online grade book.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week

ELL Strategies for a Regular High School Math Classroom

Presented by  Jennifer Thomas and Kari Ferguson

Students need more literacy support in a math classroom due to different language levels, math abilities, and global perspectives. Through examining practice, teachers can focus on their formatting to ensure they are best supporting students.

Register ahead of time by clicking here!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed

Welcome to Palindrome Week

This past week, the number in the calendar if written in American numerical format, can be read the same both forwards and backwards. While we all love to celebrate pi day (either 3/14 or 22/7, depending on your calendar format), Palindrome Week offered math teachers everywhere the opportunity to look for patterns in numbers.  In American numerical format, we have been able to celebrate Palindrome Week every year since 2011, but we won’t have another one until 2021. Can you figure out which week will be the next #PalindromeWeek?

If #PalindromeWeek didn’t set your little pattern recognizing heart a puttering, then quite possibly the probability of a Friday the 13th also being a night with a full moon could. It’s been 19 years since the last full moon on a Friday the 13th (although the moon will not be fully illuminated until 12:30am, on September 14th). This month’s full moon has been called a Harvest Moon, an agricultural term used to describe the moon closest to the autumnal equinox used to indicate a time when farmers and enslaved persons used the moon to harvest crops of the season. The last time a Harvest Moon fell on a Friday the 13th was in 1935, and the next intersection of these two conditions will not occur until 2171.


There’s a new chat in the #MTBoS world on Tuesday nights at 8PM EST. The #GhostsInTheSchoolyard chat is helping members of our community come together as they read the book Ghosts In The Schoolyard, by Eve Ewing. The chat is being moderated by Tyrone Martinez-Black (@teachnext_tmb), Marian Dingle (@DingleTeach), & Kelly Wickham Hurst (@mochamomma), as they lead us through a conversation on the intersection of racism, segregation, and education in Chicago’s South Side. With @NCTM preparing for its centennial celebration of its annual meeting in Chicago in April of 2020, this book chat allows educators to learn and unlearn some of the history of Chicago, and develop place consciousness before attending this event. When you go to a math conference, do you take time to learn the history of the land that you stand on and who stood there before you?

This week, Robert Kaplinsky (@robertkaplinsky) wrote a blog about how he is beginning to recognize systemic racism and white privilege in his life and work through his participation in the #CleartheAir chat moderated by Val Brown (@ValeriaBrownEdu). In his blog he writes, “If you’re a long time reader of my blog, you might be wondering why I’m talking about systemic racism and not just sticking to math. The reality is that the more I learn about how common injustices are, the more I realize that I cannot sit back and do nothing.” It is also important to realize that as mathematics educators, our course content is not apolitical or unbiased. Take a look at the ORC data of Calculus enrollment of schools and districts in your area for just one example of how systemic racism and mathematics overlap.

Written by Lauren Baucom, @LBmathemagician

Not everyone is equally gifted in mathematics.
But there are reasons to teach like everyone could be.

Dan Finkel (@MathforLove), posted what would seem from the outset to be an against-the-grain commentary on the role of growth mindset in mathematics classrooms. His own comment on the tweet in which he posted the link displayed a great intention on being perceived in the right way.


 There’s a lot I love about the post and some things that challenge my current thinking, which is another thing I love about the post. Dan’s comment that “For it to be more than an empty platitude, or a blatant falsehood, we have to be precise” spoke to my condition in a profound way. I think in a similar way to how we support our students to make sense of complex ideas, we need to help the teachers we work alongside with to know what is meant by the messages we send about growth mindset.

 Something that challenged my thinking was that Dan’s post left me with a feeling that some students will just not fall in love with mathematics. Like a Netflix show I recommend to a friend who doesn’t get past the second episode, I can’t help feeling that, if students would just persist with mathematics, they’d see the beauty I see. I wonder if there’s anything wrong with thinking that.

Some handy tips from the Desmos team

Christopher Danielson (@Trianglemancsd), with the help of Sean Sweeney (@SweenWSweens), put together a great post on the Des-blog about a few moves for teachers using the Graphing Calculator and Activity Builder.

The Estimation 180 Podcast is back!

Creator of, Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel), is back with a brand new episode for the start of the school year kicking off the second season of the Estimation 180 Podcast. In this episode, Andrew talks about his favourite question to gauge student number sense. What I love about the podcast is that the episodes are only twenty minutes long, in which he’s able to succinctly give some extremely valuable insight into asking better questions. His latest episode also features the stars of the show, Annie and Patrick – the Math Minions.

Written by John Rowe, @MrJohnRowe

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Nate Goza  @thegozaway
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Online Professional Development Sessions


Catalysing a Culture of Curiosity in Mathematics

Presented by John Rowe

Doing mathematics is an amazing way to truly harness the curiosity we naturally bring to things that capture our attention. We play with ideas to explore our intuition and attempt to reason the way the world works. We create models that tell stories of patterns and relationships between what we can see and what we cannot, between what we understand and what we do not.

Teachers can be a catalyst for creating a culture of curiosity in mathematics, serving as a model for working mathematically conducive to learning experiences where students are captivated by the beauty of mathematics.

This webinar will provide participants with examples of how we might foster a classroom culture where students ask more questions than their teacher and where learning is a process of reflection, sharing the insights made and resolutions reached.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week

Building Visual Patterns Into Your Warmup Routine

Presented by Fawn Nguyen

Calling all teachers (grades 1 through 12+) who are new to visual patterns! I’d love to share with you how I use visual patterns as one of my warmup routines. I’ll share key questions to ask students, helpful structures to build algebraic reasoning, and ways to kick it up a few notches once your students are familiar with working with patterns. With faithful implementation, using visual patterns provides a powerful tool to build confidence and flexibility in writing equations.

Register ahead of time by clicking here!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed

Readings for Pleasure

One of the symptoms of beginning the school year is that I sometimes find myself with less time or energy to read or study mathematics purely for pleasure. It’s a shame, really, because one of the sources from which I draw strength and joy in teaching mathematics is the joy I feel when I do mathematics for its own sake either at home or in community with others.

Instead of sharing resources dealing directly with the classroom this week, I’ll shout out a few longer-form resources and recent articles about STEM, which can be read with students or read simply for fun. Maybe you will find some of these articles enticing or, at least, a respite from the demands and excitement of the new school year.

Quanta Magazine

If you haven’t already, spend some time seeing if you enjoy the articles in Quanta Magazine. The publication dives into current science and math research in an accessible way through what they describe as “public service journalism.” Just as many math educators strive to spread the message that everyone is a math person, Quanta approaches math and science journalism with a similar lens: that all readers are STEM people capable of accessing the forefronts of the field in meaningful ways.

Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (@IBJIYONGI) teaches us about Ann Nelson, a theoretical particle physicist who passed away last month and who fought against misogyny and racism in the scientific profession.

Kevin Hartnett (@KSHartnett), in A Mathematical Model Unlocks the Secrets of Vision, helps us understand how mathematics can be used to explain how our brains create images of the world despite receiving very little actual information from our visual system.

Erica Klarreich (@EricaKlarreich), in Decades-Old Computer Science Conjecture Solved in Two Pages, breaks down a proof about the structure of computer circuits using analogies and beautifully crafted diagrams.

Symmetry Magazine

Symmetry Magazine is about particle physics with links to outside resources but also many articles of its own. I only learned about the magazine recently through the article Channeling Shuri as a physicist at Wakandacon, which talks about Wakandacon, a 3-day Afro-Futuristic celebration that took place in Chicago last July.

AMS Blogs

The American Mathematical Society website hosts a diverse body of blogs about mathematics and the mathematics profession. I have recently enjoyed reading entries from inclusion/exclusion, a blog about underrepresented groups in mathematics. In particular, read Decolonize Academia #KūKiaʻiMauna, which takes up the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project planned on Mauna Kea and which challenges readers to think about ones research as also impacting the world outside the explicit inquiry of the researcher.

The passion we feel for the math and science we teach is one way in which we continue to push ourselves as educators, but that passion must be nourished and sustained. Whatever you do to sustain your passion—whether it’s doing math on your own, with adults, or with your students—just make sure that passion drives you to love your students for who they are, regardless of whether they share your same love for the field.

Melvin Peralta

Problems of Practice

As researchers, we spend a lot of time with experienced secondary math teachers thinking about, well, math teaching. In the context of a larger study, we’ve been looking at conversations with small groups of teachers where they reflect on their practice with the help of video and audio from one of their recent lessons. We’ve discovered that these conversations are full of rich problems of practice –– questions and concerns that these experienced teachers grapple with in their everyday work. Across the groups, it became clear that many teachers faced similar problems, despite teaching in different schools and having varied backgrounds. Here are some of the challenges they are facing in their classrooms (out of 33 conversations with 15 different experienced math  teachers):

This chart shows the top six most commonly surfaced problems of practice in the context of these conversations. Across these discussions, there were 1,331 instances where teachers or facilitators problematized the practice of teaching. Of these instances, teachers wondered about setting up effective group work 193 times, making this particular problem of practice the most frequently named. Clearly, facilitating group work is incredibly complex, dynamic, and challenging. The second most frequent issue involved preserving instruction to the intended lesson goals. The prevalence of this challenge indicates how hard it is to make decisions that preserve the intent of instruction in the realities of the classroom. Although it did not make the top five, we found it noteworthy that the question  ‘How do I manage the constraints and demands of being a teacher’, came in sixth place. This suggests that what teachers are able to do does not entirely depend on them: teaching goes far beyond the classroom and into navigating a complicated world.

The entire process of cataloging problems of practice, as well as the sheer number that we found, indicates that even the most experienced of teachers face a multitude of challenges over the course of their days in planning, implementation, and in-the-moment decision making.

As the new school year begins, what problems of practice are you facing? What are you discussing with colleagues as you head back to school?

Ilana Horn (@ilana_horn)
Jessica Moses
Patricia Buenrostro
Samantha Marshall (@sammieamarshall)
Vanderbilt University

* All teachers had at least 5 years experience and were a part of a professional development program.

Back to Work

It’s back to school time for educators in Ontario, Canada and this long weekend I am looking ahead and accepting what promises to be an adventurous school year. Teacher contracts expired yesterday, and provincial leaders continue to undermine public education; yet I know many educators who are preparing to return to classrooms and supporting roles not with trepidation but a renewed commitment to better serve students and their communities.

In her closing keynote for the Virtual Conference on Humanizing Mathematics (#VConHM) hosted by Sameer Shah (@SamJShah2) and myself, Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez offers her insightful thoughts on rehumanizing mathematics and invites us to take stock of our praxis with the following reflexive questions:

  1. In mathematics, what feels dehumanizing to my students?
  2. In mathematics, what feels dehumanizing to me, other teachers, or families/communities?
  3. What might feel more rehumanizing?
  4. Who can help me rehumanize this space?

Let it be known this is not entry-level Equity 101 Work. This Work requires continual reading, processing, collaborating and most importantly dialogue with critical thought partners to push through cognitive dissonance.

Upcoming this week is a new chat #GhostsInTheSchoolyard led by @DingleTeach@MochaMomma, and @TeachNext_TMB to prepare #MTBoS for the Centennial Annual Exposition and Meeting of NCTM in Chicago in April of 2020. Please check out Marian’s latest blog post, Mathematical Ghosts.

By the time you read these words, Ontario educators will be almost halfway through the first day of the 2019-2020 scholastic year and in Dr. Gutiérrez’s words,

“I am hopeful about where we are as a field in being willing to acknowledge the violence that is regularly perpetuated (knowingly and unknowingly) against students, teachers, faculty, and members of society through mathematical practices, policies, and structures.” 

Wishing you a scholastic year of discomfort, unlearning, and relearning.


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This Week at the Global Math Department

Note: This newsletter is a few weeks old and was sent to subscribers on August 13, 2019.

Edited By Nate Goza  @thegozaway
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Online Professional Development Sessions


PART 2: How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators?

Presented by Megan Holmstrom and Ryan Grady

As we engage in professional development with teachers mathematics teaching & learning, we have found that asking three questions is a crucial place to begin the work with any group. As you think about the teaching and learning teams you are a part of, consider these three questions:

  1. Who are we?
  2. Why are we doing this?
  3. Why are we doing this, this way?

Further, NCTM’s Guiding Principles for School Mathematics states that, “Professionalism [exists] in an excellent mathematics program, [when] educators hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for the mathematical success of every student and for their personal and collective professional growth toward effective teaching and learning of mathematics” (Principles to Actions p.5 – NCTM 2014). How are we holding our collective accountability in shared professional growth?

Please note: this is Part 2, consider reviewing our conversation from June 18 as front-loading for this chat.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week

Observational Feedback that Sticks: Google and Extensions that Create Actionable Feedback

Presenters:  Brandi Simpson & Brooke Lucio

Based on the work of Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Teaching That Sticks, this session will demonstrate how observational feedback can “find the core” to develop a productive coaching relationship. We will share our protocols and system for providing feedback that integrates AutoCrat and the Google Suite. Participants will walk away with the skills to design and customize feedback tools to meet their needs at any level.

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

Welcome Back!

The Virtual Conference on Humanizing Mathematics

Last summer, Sameer Shah (@SamJShah2) hosted a Virtual Conference on Mathematical Flavors featuring blog posts from educators who shared their everyday practices that shaped students’ understanding of mathematics. This summer, he invited me to collaborate with him and I accepted the incredible opportunity to create a space for critical engagement and reflection on a theme that has been central to my learning this year; belonging. Our initial conversation revealed a mutual interest in the doing of mathematics as a human endeavor, mathematical identity, belonging in mathematics education spaces, and the rehumanizing of mathematics.

We offer to you for the month of August, the Virtual Conference on Humanizing Mathematics featuring keynote bloggers who are addressing the prompt(s):

How do you highlight that the doing of mathematics is a human endeavor?

How do you express your identity as a doer of mathematics to, and share your “why” for doing mathematics with, kids?

#MTBoS contributors from K-16 are also participating by responding to weekly mini-questions and sharing their mathematical experiences, mathematical identities, and reflecting on what scholarly terms (like ‘mathematics for human flourishing’ and ‘re-humanizing mathematics’) have to come mean in their practice.

Click on the image below to introduce our topic for Week 4 of the conference:

Readers of the first edition of this school year’s GMD Newsletter are the first to know that we are honored to host Dr. Rochelle Guttiérez as our closing keynote blogger on Thursday, August 29, 2019.

We whole-heartedly invite you to visit the virtual convention center and learn with us.

Written by Hema Khodai (@HKhodai)

Getting Specific About Equity and Humanizing Mathematics

I’d like to highlight what I see as a burgeoning trend in many parts of the math edutwittersphere. Roughly, this trend involves ideas like equity, humanizing mathematics, critical theory, and power and identity. This trend seems to be distinct from other topics in math ed like cognitive science and mindset research but still closely connected, and I’ve noticed at least three general types of activities surrounding this idea of equity, humanizing mathematics, and applying a critical lens:

  1. Spread, Reflect, Critique: Calling out others and ourselves to attend more fully to the work of unlearning, self-reflection, and critique.
  2. Research: Collecting, analyzing, and reporting qualitative data on moves and practices that support this work.
  3. Specification: Being specific about the ways we operationalize ideas about equity and humanizing mathematics.

Item 3 might be the toughest to do well but it’s also vital for us if we want to move forward as a math ed community. Thankfully, the Virtual Conference on Humanizing Mathematics represents one of several ways we as math educators are helping each other put our ideas about equity and humanizing mathematics into practice. The specific blog posts and Twitter threads can be found at the convention center, and instructions for submitting a contribution can be found here.

One Twitter thread caught my eye. It was by Jimmy Pai (@PaiMath), who went through every single contribution from week one and gave thoughtful, reflective comments on each one.

His feedback highlights the kind of conversations and exchange that can occur when we talk at all levels of grain size, from the critical-analogical-macroscopic reflections of Marian (@DingleTeach) and Hema’s (@HKhodai) keynote address to Chris’s (@cluzniak) share of #DebateMath and journals.

Besides the virtual conference, @JessicaTilli1 asked folx: “If you could conduct interviews for a middle school math teaching position, what are some questions you would ask?”. This triggered a host of responses, many in the realm of equity, humanizing math, and critical theory. I’ll end by highlighting just a few:

Written by Melvin Peralta (@melvinmperalta)

Great Prompts from Summer

I love when a good prompt catches fire on Twitter. The result is a mile long thread full of ideas, strategies, advice, etc that’s just loaded with goodness. Do these things have a name?  (I feel like they need a name!)  Below I’ve shared a few of these loaded threads.  Click on the image of the tweet to take you to the thread and get scrolling!

As we start the new year it’s always good to have some norms:

Math is beautiful.  Check out this collection of “mathematical mindfulls”:

If you’re new to the profession there’s an embarrassment of riches here. Going into my 15th year next week there’s plenty I need to hear too!

For everyone who finished their reading lists this summer (I’m joking, right?), Ibram X. Kendi’s book “How to Be an Antiracist” comes out today and inspired this:

When you find amazing threads like this #pushsend and chime in, and/or retweet so the rest of us don’t miss all the goodness!  Happy Back to School Everybody!

Written by Nate Goza (@thegozaway)

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Nate Goza  @thegozaway
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Online Professional Development Sessions

Making Fluency Meaningful

Presented by Anne Agostinelli

Have you heard about Math or Number Talks but wonder how to make them meaningful? Let’s explore what makes them effective: the protocol, talk moves, and the many resources from our #MTBoS community, along with ideas for making it all fit into your math classes.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next week will be our final webinar (and Newsletter) of this school year!  Join usas Megan Holmstrom and Ryan Grady lead a discussion on how our beliefs impact our identity as math educators.

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

Another School Year Comes to an End…

Ends and New Beginnings

Since this is our team’s last newsletter of the year, I wanted to share two resources that represent a typical teacher end and a typical teacher beginning.

In the End…

There is usually a test. At least, that’s how it is in NYC public schools. My 7th graders – yes, SEVENTH GRADERS – are currently stressed about an end-of-year math exam called the Regents. It’s not a great way to end an otherwise great year of relationship building, inside jokes, and shared tribulations, but it is what it is.

In the spirit of thinking about math exams, please read @howiehua’s piece in Edutopia on A Strategy for Reducing Math Test Anxiety. In sum, it’s based on giving students a chance to have a brief pre-test conversation with the test in hand. He shares an anecdote where one student talks about having pre-test jitters, and the pre-test conversations help calm their insecurities. He also notes that since he and his co-teacher encourage discussion and collaboration in class, it only makes sense to test the way they teach. I can say from personal experience that if you ever implement this strategy in your class, it will be some of the most intense five minutes of mathematical discussion you’ll see.

In the Beginning…

Teachers do new stuff to their classrooms. This year, I put up many of @MrCoreyMath’s mathematician posters in my room. It’s a thoughtful and extensive selection of mathematicians from diverse backgrounds, which I used this year as a first step in a larger campaign to broaden my students’ conceptions of who does mathematics.

In addition, @jocedage recently tweeted a link to STEM role model posters, which were released for International Women’s Day and which are now available in multiple languages. They look amazing!

In Summary…

Thank you to everyone who read our newsletter this year and, of course, to our amazing editor, @thegozaway. I’ve learned so much participating in the GMD this year and look forward to learning even more!

Melvin Peralta (@melvinmperalta)


It was September of last year when Marian Dingle (@DingleTeach) first brought the Global Math Department Newsletter to my attention and being the exceptional educator she is, she sparked an idea and waited patiently for it to ignite my passion. It wasn’t until seven months later she highlighted my first blog post on my experience as a first-time attendee at NCTM 2019 in San Diego and I started to contribute to the GMD Newsletter.

This is my last post for the school year and I must thank Matthew Oldridge (@MatthewOldridge) for passing the baton and sharing this opportunity with me. I appreciate Nate Goza (@thegozaway) for connecting with me and inviting my thoughts and reflections into this new virtual space.

This week, I am highlighting the #ClearTheAir and #BreakRank chat that Christie Nold (@ChristieNold) and Scott Bayer (@Lyricalswordz) hosted on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 in which they discussed “Racism, whiteness, and burnout in antiracism movements: How white racial justice activists elevate burnout in racial justice activists of color in the United States” by Paul Gorski (@PGorski) and Noura Erakat (@4Noura).

Specifically, I draw your attention to a few sub-threads within this chat and invite you to review them with a focus on how crucial these conversations are to the intentional design of mathematical learning spaces.

Let us start with a sub-thread featuring JoyAnn Boudreau (@MrsBoudreau) in which participants discuss setting norms in professional learning spaces with fellow mathematics educators as well as co-constructing them in mathematics classes with our students. The prevailing topics are presuming positive intention, tone policing, a right way to do things, and individual personality traits that hinder our work.

Alice Jane Grimm (@Alice_J_Grimm) beautifully articulated a brief sub-thread about mandatory gender pronoun introductions that I have bookmarked so I may return to it again when next I plan professional learning for colleagues or classroom introductions for students.

Alecia Ford (@AleciaHiggFord) shared a brain break game she has used successfully with her students that creates space to talk openly about race and identity while developing fluency with fractions.

Some of us are settling into summer break routines and slowly shedding layers of this school year’s experiences and others of us are preparing to wrap up the school year with a final perseverance. Let our reflections and forward planning include how we intentionally establish psychological safety for students and colleagues to be and learn in mathematical spaces. Let the goal be to thrive not just survive. (Shout out to Bettina Love.)

As Val Brown (@ValeriaBrownEdu) stated at a Teaching Tolerance workshop in February,  “This is your homework. For the rest of your life.”

Thank you for reading and engaging,

Hema Khodai (@HKhodai)

Summer Time!

This can be a time of joy for teachers to take a much needed break, to rejuvenate, and gather new ideas for next year.  For our students, it can be stressful without the routine of seeing friends, having a safe space with caring adults on the daily. Therefore I offer you a nationwide resource to share with students and families (Thank you @edcampOSjr for sharing)

As we reflect on what worked throughout the year, I plan to be more intentional about building and maintaining relationships with and among my students; I was drawn to the thread started by @EmilyAnderle about morning meetings.  This is a strategy often used in my own child’s 1st grade classroom; I am certain with intentional use in a secondary classroom could be a positive change.

Finally, as we set to start the cycle again (not literally an infinite loop) I was pleased to learn some mathematical content knowledge started on this thread:

Hopefully, we all get a chance to relax (for those still in the classroom I wish you the best).  It has been a pleasure sharing my twitter treasure hunts with the Global Math Department audience.  I have met many virtual and IRL friends.  Thanks @thegozaway for inviting me into this space.

Diana McClean (@teachMcClean)

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Chase Orton @mathgeek76
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Online Professional Development Sessions

Jump-start Number Sense and Reasoning in 10 Minutes
Presented by John SanGiovanni
Do your students struggle with reasoning about numbers? Are they challenged to think about the reasonableness of their solutions? Are you looking for practical, high-quality tasks to engage students and ignite discussion? In this session, participants learn about dynamic, doable activities engage students in reasoning and discussion. A collection of ready-for-use resources will be provided and explored so that pursuit of number sense becomes a daily routine. These resources naturally complement each and every lesson in any K-2, 3-5, or 6-8 mathematics class regardless of the “core” program.

To join this meeting tonight when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Last week, Ranjani Krishnan presented “Teacher Cloning.” If you missed it, you can catch the recording here.

The #MTBoS Never Sleeps

In Preparation for Next Year

While the end of the school year is a time to reflect, I’m also inspired by the potential of the next school year. In particular, I have been thinking about how I might develop students’ identities as mathematicians and how this relates to their futures.

“I’m preparing you for college” is a phrase Patricia Vandenberg (@VbergMath) confessed she would use to defend some of her class policies. In a tweet, she asked math professors to share what they’d truly like to see in their math students.

Responses varied, but some common themes were (1) teach students how to take ownership of their learning through organization and engagement, (2) encourage students to take risks and embrace ambiguity, and (3) instead of using this phrase, meet students where they are.

Christelle Rocha

Year-end Survey Options

If you are looking for some ideas for a year-end survey, Deidre O’Connor (@historywithmsoc) posted this tweet and has a thread loaded with great suggestions that are general enough for any subject and any grade level.

By Amber Thienel

Notes from an Inspired Editor
Adding to the suggestions of the authors above, Matt Vaudrey has written quite a bit about Teacher Report Cards. It’s brilliant stuff and a wonderful way to build culture at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. How would your classroom culture changed if you considered doing a Teacher Report Card after the first month of school? Would your students open up more? Would the autonomy and authority shift in the classroom?

Here are onetwo, and three short (less than 5 minute reads) blog posts from Matt’s site. Dive in! And let us know what you think.

Chase Orton

GMD is Looking for Presenters!

Do you know someone who you think should lead a GMD Webinar?

Did you see something amazing at a recent conference that needs to be shared?

At Global Math we are proud of our Webinars!  We appreciate all of our presenters and look forward to bringing you the best “PD Iin Your Pajamas” on the internet.  We’re always on the lookout for fresh faces and new ideas.

Please use this recommendation form to let us know who/what should be shared next!  We will take your recommendations and reach out to try to make it happen!

Stay nerdy my friends! Got something you think should go into the GMD Newsletter, hit me up on Twitter at @mathgeek76.

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Casey McCormick @cmmteach
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Online Professional Development Sessions

Teacher Cloning
Presented by:  Ranjani Krishnan
I am not enough’ is the feeling I used to get everyday after each class and each day’s work. I wish I could clone myself and spread myself around the classroom so I can meet the needs of every student. Luckily, an online program named Gauss Academy Webwork came to my rescue. With this tool students work online on challenging problems, get instant feedback, engage in a risk-free yet productive struggle, while, I, the teacher can interact with students meaningfully by conducting discussions at the white board with these students about these problems. I have also been cutting my class sizes in half, so to speak, by setting different groups of students into different zones of productivity. One group would work on video note-taking, while the other would work on Gauss Academy Webwork. I redefined video instruction for my classes. After completing video note-taking, students would show me their notes, answer the inquiries posed in the videos, summarize notes, and then debrief with a classmate. I wouldn’t call my video note-taking model “flipping” the classroom, however. I am excited to say that with these two “cloning” tools, I am able to bring face-to-face conversation with students back!

To join this meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Last week, Kateri Thunder presented ” Math Buddies: Effective Peer Tutoring.” If you missed it, you can catch the recording here.

The #MTBoS Never Sleeps


The Math Photo Challenge is a series of 10 weekly photo prompts posted to Twitter. Each week, participants take photos inspired by that week’s prompt and then share them on Twitter using the hashtag #MathPhoto19. This challenge is a fun way to interact with other #MTBoS teachers and to practice viewing the world through a mathematical lens. Anyone can check out the collection of photos on Twitter by searching the hashtag #MathPhoto19 or at the website organized by Carl Oliver. This year’s photo challenge will start on Thursday, June 13th. Anyone can join in at any time.

This is the fifth year of the Math Photo Challenge. The first year was organized by Malke Rosenfeld with assistance and contributions from numerous members of the #MTBoS. It was initially called the Summer Math Photo Challenge. Following years dropped “Summer” from the name in recognition of all the participants from the Southern Hemisphere for whom Summer is still a long way off.

The first week’s challenge will be the number #five to celebrate the fifth year of this annual challenge. Check it out!

Written by Erick Lee (@TheErickLee)

I’m Not A Game of Thrones Guy

I could give a rip about Game of Thrones. I’m one of the few people who has never watched a single episode. I’m not living under a rock. I do know it is popular (or was) and there are some really passionate fans.

One of my favorite feeds is Cool Infographics and they recently posted Visualizing how Fans Rated the Last Season of Game of Thrones.

First, I appreciate how the post included fan ratings of the last season of other shows. Secondly, I love the visual math landscape of all the infographics. Thirdly, a question I have is what does this say about us as consumers of television? Do we rate something poorly when it’s not what we “expected”? I don’t know. Lastly, I appreciate how the author, Randy Krum, expresses his hesitation about one of the axes. Krum says,

My only hesitation with the choices they made when designing these charts is the y-axis. I appreciate that they kept the scale consistent throughout all of the charts in the article, but the non-zero baseline starting at 4.5 is an odd choice. Non-zero baselines are generally a poor design practice, and can mislead viewers that aren’t paying close attention. It looks like using a non-zero baseline was chosen to maximize the visible differences between the ratings, but on a 0-10 scale, it wouldn’t have been much different with a true zero-baseline.

Krum is using a few of the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Can you identify which ones?

Just like I’m not a Game of Thrones guy, I wonder if we asked Krum about his math experience and if he would say, “I’m not a math guy.” I would beg to differ. My challenge to you all is to question anyone who says, “I’m not a math person.” Rubbish. Don’t let them off the hook. Find out why they said that and join the conversation Tisha Jones and I have been having.

Written by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

Diversity With Intentionality

If you haven’t already seen this tweet from Kristopher Childs, it sparked an interesting conversation this week. And after reading the inaugural blog post from Makeda Brome, I think they both pair well together. Her post, entitled Diversity with Intentionality begins with this line:

“Yes, this is another post about diversity in mathematics.”

She writes about how such goals as diversity and equity can not be achieved haphazardly, but rather with deliberate intent. She uses her recent NCTM experience as an example of how she intentionally sought the conference experience that fulfilled her. I won’t give any more away, but it should be read.

Back to the above discussion, among the pros, there was the power of articulating the importance of diversity and inclusion in math. Among the cons, there was the potential harm of these practices being seen as separate add-ons instead of naturally embedded practices. I keep thinking about intention. How can this type of intentionality be ensured?

The topic of this week’s #ICTM chat was SEL and its relation to mathematical identity hosted by Tyrone Martinez-Black. This was one of the thoughtful questions asked:

The first two statements highlight the importance of identity and agency. It connects to the next image of recent Brandeis mathematics graduate @Algebrandis, as she wears her identity and agency, and intends
to continue to pursue her doctorate.

Written by Marian Dingle (@DingleTeach)

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Nate Goza  @thegozaway
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Online Professional Development Sessions

Math Buddies:  Effective Peer Tutoring

Presented by Kateri Thunder

Peer tutoring has the potential to accelerate student achievement (Hattie effect size = .53). In fact, under three conditions, the effect is has high on the person doing the tutoring as on the person being tutored. How do we orchestrate these meaningful interactions among peers? Come learn how to implement peer tutoring between two different grades for weekly math lessons. Unpack the three conditions that make peer tutoring effective and be inspired with ideas for your own “Math Buddies” lessons.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next week Ranjani Krishnan’s presentation is called “Teacher Cloning.”  If that piques your curiosity click here to read more and register ahead of time!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed…

All In

The Ontario Association for Mathematics Education held its annual conference in the nation’s capital this past week. Many thanks to the host chapter, @ComaOttawa, for the incredible planning and organization of this professional learning experience.

Many of us first time presenters, like myself, were comforted by friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances that offered words of wisdom to soothe frayed nerves, a lending hand to troubleshoot technical difficulties, and provide directions to water bottle refilling stations. Of particular note is the way fellow educators showed up to support first-time attendees and first-time presenters alike. This community of mathematics educators was all in.

Ilana Horn (@Ilana_Horn) spoke to members of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (@OMCAMath) about Designing Motivational Math Classrooms. She posed a question on belongingness, “What gets in the way of belonging in math class?”

The prominent student-centered message is mathematics educators are invited to create learning cultures in which students see themselves as doers of mathematics, to spark joy in their mathematical discoveries, to establish brave spaces where mathematical discourse and rough draft thinking/talking/writing is encouraged.

The emergent themes for educators in the sessions I attended at the OAME annual conference were identity, community, and vulnerability. Featured speakers, Sam Shah (@SamJShah2) and Matt Baker (@Stoodle) had a full lecture hall of educators roaring with laughter and then weeping into shirt sleeves as they shared their stories about the power of #TeacherVoice. Tracy Zager (@TracyZager) modeled a beautiful experience of community by sharing high-yield mathematical interactions and we were hooked as we worked independently and then collaboratively to discuss Magic Vs. Jamie Mitchell (@realJ_Mitchell) and Matt Coleman (@MrColemanArt) shared their journey of innovation and humbled us with their transparency and courage.

This tweet perfectly captures the spirit of #OAME2019 – a community of mathematics educators coming together to learn, share, and collaborate. Derek invited attendees of the mathematics conference to collaborate on a shared document in order to “learn about sessions that you missed…see what others took from the session…get some learning from a distance.” The Google Doc was 83 pages long at last check!

We will each have returned to our regularly scheduled life events by the time this article is published; however, the learning continues. Peruse the hashtags, take a look at the many presentations that have been shared by presenters, and keep sharing how you will action what you have learned at #OAMEChat.

@OAME2020 “In Focus” will be held at UOIT/Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario from May 7th – 8th, 2020. Stay tuned to for details and practice your live-tweeting skills for #OAME2020.

Hema Khodai (@HKhodai)

A People’s History of Math

A couple of weeks ago, Anna Haensch (@extremefriday) asked the Twitterverse about suggestions for a “People’s History of Math”. There were lots of great replies, mostly about histories beyond the white, male, Eurocentric stories often told about mathematics.

One very thorough response came from Michael Barany (@MBarany). He warns against the common pitfall of framing non-Western math as taking place in the past and serving as a mere predecessor to modern mathematics. I was struck by his pointing out that this origin myth was actually created by a prejudiced process of early modern Europeans.

Barany’s thread continues, and he includes a handful of fascinating links I had never heard of. One essay that you might particularly enjoy is Lady Wranglers by Joy Rankin (@JoyMLRankin). The essay, along with Barany’s thread, helps readers reconsider the assumption that the history of math should be conceived as a linear march of progress. Rather, mathematics has had many moments of creating obstacles that people with marginalized identities have had to overcome. It’s a shame that so many popular books on mathematics, and even university courses on the history of mathematics, construct mathematics as a simple sum of the achievements of a few, positioned-as-brilliant men.

Other common names that came up in the thread include Sophie Germain, Srinivasa Ramanujan, and Hypatia of Alexandria. One name that came up I was happy to see was Marjorie Rice, a non-university-affiliated mathematician who made discoveries involving tessellating pentagons.

Finally, one book that was left out of the thread was recently tweeted about by Annie Perkins (@anniek_p) – Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics. Guess what’s next up on my reading list?

Melvin Peralta (@melvinmperalta)

And Speaking of Reading Lists…

#CleartheAir is bringing up so many educators into the process of introspection and action. Here is an image of books recommended by their various threads. #AntiracistBookfest:

And here’s a list:

Title Author
What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker Damon Young
We Speak for Ourselves: A word from forgotten black America D. Watkins
The Color of Compromise Jemar Tisby
Heads of the Colored People Nafissa Thompson-Spires
A Kind of Freedom Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
Counting Descent Clint Smith
Looking for Lorraine Imani Perry
Long Way Down Jason Reynolds
So You Want to Talk About Race Ijeoma Oluo
No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black & Free in America Darnell L. Moore
Dying of Whiteness Jonathan Metzl
Separate: The Story of Plessy V. Ferguson, and America’s Journey from Slavery to Segregation Steve Luxenberg
I Want to do More Than Survive Bettina L. Love
Stamped From the Beginning Ibram X. Kendi
On The Other Side of Freedom DeRay McKeeson
Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America Martha S. Jones
They Were Her Property: White Women Slave Owners in the American South Stephanie F. Jones-Rogeen
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism Robin DiAngelo
The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students Anthony Abraham Jack
This Will Be My Undoing Morgan Jerkins
From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America Elizabeth Hinton
Well Read Black Girl Gloria Edin
What Truth Sounds Like Michael Eric Dyson
OLIO Tyehimba Jess
Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge Erica Armstrong Dunbar
American Prison Shane Bauer
I’m Still Here Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness Austin Channing Brown
I Can’t Date Jesus Michael Arceneaux
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom David W. Blight
One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy Carol Anderson
The Day You Being Jacqueline Woodson
Policing the Black Man: Arrest, Prosecution, and Imprisonment Angela J. Davis
Thick: And Other Essays Tressie McMillan Cottom

Check out this simple tweet from @ClearTheAirEdu with 75 responses!

We have work to do, part of the work is self care, part is learning, part is challenging the status quo.

Here is a link to the find the local bookstores in your area (because we all love the convenience of Amazon, but let’s keep these places to browse in business too).

Happy Summer Time Reading,

Diana McClean (@teachMcClean)

Also this: ExxonMobile successfully used a mathematical model to predict our current global warming crisis – how can we teach kids to advocate for change when they are confronted with possible truths such as these?

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This Week at the Global Math Department

Edited By Chase Orton @mathgeek76
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Online Professional Development Sessions

Google in the Math Classroom
Presented by Mandi Tolen
When people think of Google Apps, they think about typing papers and making presentations, not math. Google apps, extensions, and other Google tools can help make your classroom a rich learning environment. This session will be full of activities, ideas, and resources to help you differentiate, engage your students, and get them creating, communicating, and thinking.

To join this meeting tonight when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

The #MTBoS Never Sleeps

Food For Thought on Accelerating & Tracking Students

In a recent NCTM (@nctm) article in Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (@MTMS_at_NCTM), Sarah B. Bush (@sarahbbush) talks about ways middle schools can support the position in Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics(2018). Her article, NCTM’s Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Our Role in the Middle” is in the March 2019 issue.

She writes about de-tracking students because this practice leads to the success of more students: “We can all agree that students should not be denied access to the instruction needed to become mathematically literate and that students should not have qualitatively different mathematics learning experiences.”

When I saw Robert Kaplinsky’s (@robertkaplinskytweet asking why we do not accelerate students through English Language Arts (ELA) like we do with math, I immediately made a connection that I invite you to contribute to.

Dig deep into the thread because the conversation gets really interesting. For example, check out Patricia’s (@TeacherPrepTech) tweets about students having an emotional response to the speed of math class.

And don’t forget to check out Sarah B. Bush’s full article in the March issue of MTMS. Let’s continue this conversation.

By Amber Thienel (@amberthienel)

Family Math Night

A couple weeks ago, my middle school hosted a Family Math Night. It was really special to see students and their families participating in math games, creating math art, and exploring mathematical ideas. If your school has never put together a Family Math Night, has tips on how to get started, and a twitter search of “Family Math Night” will leave you with plenty more ideas for stations.

What stood out to me the most was that every person involved with Family Math Night knew that each station had to be fun and accessible. As a result, there was a clear contrast of what was a valid and welcomed mathematical activity in Family Math Night versus the mathematical activities our curriculum. For example, if creating tessellations and estimating quantities are valid activities for Family Math Night, there must be potential for math play, art and estimation as a regular part of our daily instruction. I immediately thought of Kassia Wedekind’s talk at ShadowCon 2017 on math play, and Sara VanDerWerf’s play tables as strong starting points.

I also noticed students and their families looked confused at some stations, often asking, “that’s it?” It seemed like the difficulty of math in the activity wasn’t clear and they were looking for the catch. How could we have made connections to our curriculum and the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice, so that students and their families can have more conversations around math beyond our classrooms and in their homes and communities?

We know math is everywhere, and mathematical agency starts with helping our students and families understand that.

Christelle Rocha (@Maestra_Rocha)

Notes from an Inspired Editor
Part of my joy serving as an editor is reading deeply about what our team of writers bring to the table and making connections between ideas.

Like Christelle, I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversations as math educators with the non-teaching public (like Family Math Nights) and how we can make them better. I think we (math educators) can do more to reframe our work with parents (and other non-math-educators) by redefining what it means to do math.

I found this tweet by Mark Trushkowsky about #sidewalkmath, a project by Brian(@_b_p):

The thread is well-worth checking out. I appreciate the efforts folks are making to shift the dialogue about what it means to be a “math person” by bringing more math conversations into public spaces. I gave a talk recently about this topic to a (non-math-educator) conference about creativity. It’s my case for why and how we move the conversation forward. You can see a screencast of the talk here.

What do you do to shift the dialogue about what it means to do math with the general, non-teaching public? What works? What doesn’t? Participate in the conversation here.

Chase Orton

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