How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators? (Part 1)

How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators?

Presented by: Megan Holmstrom

As we engage in professional development with teachers mathematics teaching & learning, we have found that asking three questions is a crucial place to begin the work with any group. As you think about the teaching and learning teams you are a part of, consider these three questions:
Who are we?
Why are we doing this?
Why are doing this this way?
NCTM’s Guiding Principles for School Mathematics states that, “Professionalism [exists] in an excellent mathematics program, [when] educators hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for the mathematical success of every student and for their personal and collective professional growth toward effective teaching and learning of mathematics” (Principles to Actions p.5 – NCTM 2014). How are we holding our collective accountability in shared professional growth?
Join us for discussion and engagement around job-embedded professional learning across PreK-G12 mathematics!

Hosted by:Marissa Grayson

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

Presented on June 11, 2019

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