Summer Is Coming

Summer Is Coming

Edited By Nate Goza @thegozaway

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Mathematical Modeling in School Mathematics: It’s about Knowing the Givens and the Chosens
Presented by Rose Mary Zbiek 

Even if we give students the very best mathematical modeling problems, we are not necessarily teaching students to be good mathematical modelers. Mathematical modeling requires making choices, and teaching mathematical modeling requires knowing the choices to be made and teaching students how to be, well, choosy. We will make explicit the little and not so little things we can do every day to help students learn how to make choices that matter when modeling.

To join the meeting when it starts at 9pm Eastern (or RSVP if it’s before 9pm), click here.

Missed last week’s session?  Christine Newell talked about targeted math discussions that engage students in their mathematical thinking.  Click here to check it out!

Finishing the Year with the #MTBoS

Year in the Life

As the year comes to a close, so ends the steady stream of this year’s Day in the Life posts from bloggers around the #MTBoS. The posts are part of a project spearheaded by Tina Cardone who started tossing this idea around in early August of 2016. This was wrapped up in a post last week, The Year In The Life of a Teacher. Tina writes that “The next step is to figure out the story we want to tell and the best way to tell it.” If you have any ideas, head on over to Tina’s post and leave some ideas in the comments.

For people who are #stillinschool, students’ struggles are certainly becoming all too real, especially as they are preparing for end of the year assessments. Reading Dylan Kane’s recent post shows a bad habit that I know I am guilty of in the face of students struggling. The post, Responding to Student Struggle, is a response to an Ilana Horn talk that was full of insight. Dylan writes about a finding from a study that teachers who struggle can lower the cognitive demand of the tasks. This was something that I’ve caught myself doing this year. This bad habit comes in part from focusing on shortcomings, and from thinking of student deficits as something that can’t be overcome. “One solution Lani offers”, Dylan writes, “is teacher education and ongoing professional development that focus on ability, bias, and an asset-orientation to counter deficit thinking.” Certainly reading Dylan’s post and watching Lani’s talk would be a good start.

Written by Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)

Targeting Math at Target

Over the past 3 years Brian Bushart has helped moderate and churn the Kool-Aid over #ElemMathChat. From there, he’s shared his amazing Numberless Word Problem Sets and now he’s got me hooked on his shopping inspirations. If you’re a fan of Notice and Wonder or Estimation 180, then Brian’s visual inspirations are right up your alley.

How many globe string lights are in the box?


Written by Graham Fletcher (@gfletchy)

GMD Podcast


We all know Global Math Department talks are full of great information about math education. When the session ends, it can be hard to get in front of a computer to go back and re-watch old talks. Going back to previous episodes to gather that information is about to get much easier. You can now listen to select recordings of Global Math Department Conferences on the Global Math Department Podcast. You can find GMD talks on iTunes and Google Play (and in a few days Stitcher). Conferences will be posted roughly every other week, with the emphasis on talks which lend themselves well to the audio format. A number of posts from this year are up and more will be posted throughout the summer. If there are any recordings you want included let me know, @carloliwitter.

Join Our Team!

The @GlobalMathDept is looking for volunteers to help create great online PD for math teachers. We’re currently seeking hosts, bookers, and writers for the 2017-18 school year. Check out this flyer for more details about each volunteer opportunity.

Ready to sign up? Fill out this form to let us know which position(s) you’d like to volunteer for.

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