A Most Wonderful Time to be a Math Teacher

I’ll say it again – this is the most exciting time to be a math teacher, thanks to the combination of GeoGebra, Desmos, and Twitter. Someone creates, then shares on Twitter, then others run with the ball. Or with the “amazeball” as it turns out! Here’s what I mean:
Vincent Pantaloni (@panlepan) created these instructions on how to create an animated gif of a GeoGebra and here is a collection of his GeoGebra gifs on Twitter. I then saw some gifs made by Tim Brezinski (@dynamic_math) and Steve Phelps (@giohio).
Next I see crossover between GeoGebra and Desmos. Steve Phelps (@giohio) is a GeoGebrainiac who has now made his “first marbleslide activity with @Desmos. Plinko!?! I can’t wait to see how else Steve will use Desmos.
Speaking of GeoGebrainiacs, and people who are fluent in both GeoGebra and Desmos, Andrew Knauft (@aknauft) heard my call for help on Twitter about making a Desmos activity on vectors, and made this. Now I get to figure out how to make a marbleslide game using his vectors!
Hope I don’t drop the amazeball!
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)