Teacher-Ladies Who Code

This week I attended a screening of a documentary called “Coding: Debugging the Gender Gap”, which was organized by “Ladies Learning Code”, and hosted at the Montreal Google office. It was a fascinating evening, during which I got to meet some wonderful women coders, and as a bonus, get a look at the amazing environment that Google’s employees get to work in. As a math teacher, I’m especially interested in integrating coding into the math class, something I fancy I’m sort of doing by getting my students to create their own interactive applets using GeoGebra. But I looked for female math teachers who really do use coding and found these:
Dawn DuPriest (@DuPriestMath) has an entire website called “Coding in Math Class” that is all about using coding as a math teaching tool. I plan to read all of it. It’s exactly what I want to do. She also referred me to Diane Tepylo (@drtepylo) and Lisa Floyd (@lisaannefloyd), whose website contains a huge inventory of programs she’s created for integration in the math class.
Then this post by Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff) came along and made me rethink everything. That’s the way it is on Twitter.
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)