Moving Forward with Desmos Activity Builder

It’s about three months now since the launch, at Twitter Math Camp, of the wonderful Desmos Activity Builder (which I will hereafter call DAB). I’ve been using it, while keenly watching for tweets or blog posts from others who are using it. I’m at the point where I need to read about things like: tips for making activities, how things actually played out in class, best during-class practices, following up etc., etc. I guess I should blog about that myself, but in the meantime, here are a few posts by people who already have. (Click the author’s name to be taken to their respective post.)
Colleen Young (@ColleenYoung) detailed the basics of using the DAB to create and deploy activities:
Julie Reulbach (@jreulbach) described how her linear systems activity worked in class, specifically how it allowed for different levels of review amongst her students:
Mary Bourassa (@MaryBourassa) shared her sequence of quadratic activities, which I know I’m going to model my Absolute Value lab after (especially the pretty tables!)
Meg Craig (@mathymeg07) showed us her and Sheri Walker’s (@sheriwalker72) transformations activity, plus some fabulous time-saver work-arounds until The Truly Awesome Desmos Team creates a copy-slide feature:
Kate Nowak (@k8nowak) cranked things up a notch by adding a teacher-notes component to her activity (hmmm another item on the to-do list of the The Truly Awesome Desmos Team?):
Lisa Winer (@lisaq314) talksedabout using DAB as a formative assessment tool:
Shelley Carranza (@stcarranza) reflected and made excellent suggestions after experiencing the DAB in several teachers’ classes:
As usual, the #mtbos, which includes The Truly Awesome Desmos Team, does not disappoint. It keeps us all moving forward together.
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)