Be Part Of A Team, Not An Island
Jennifer Wilson wrote a great post about the power of team-teaching, a model definitely worth considering. Team-teaching might not be feasible for your district/site this year, but definitely learn more about it.

If your team can’t teach together, don’t make it an excuse for not growing as an educator. The next best step in growing as a professional is making the time to go observe other teachers during your prep. Jennifer noticed a teacher saying,
his willingness to spend his planning period observing her class emphasizes the culture of learning from each other
I challenge you to pick a day each week to go observe another teacher at your site, math or another subject. Set a weekly alarm on your phone to email a teacher, asking them to stop by during your prep. If the teacher you want to observe doesn’t have a class during your prep, ask an administrator to cover your class during one of your other periods. Be creative. If you really want to observe other teachers, you’ll find a way. Share your experience with me.
written by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)