More Talking = More Learning!
Sara VanDerWerf is at it again bringing us gems for starting up a new school year. Her recent post, entitled STAND & TALKS. The Best Thing I Ever Did to Get Students Talking to One Another, is very thorough and includes a description of the routine, a sample scenario, and tons of examples of how she uses the routine as well as other routines she incorporates together with a Stand & Talk (S&T).
An example of a Stand & Talk used to introduce students to new vocabulary
Essentially, an S&T is a lot like Think, Pair, Share or Turn & Talk, but with the add-in that students stand and find a partner in another area of the room to discuss with before the task is given. Sara says this gets nearly all students talking every time she uses it, and has the added bonus of a possible energy-injector in a stale classroom.
Three big goals Sara has in her classroom are accomplished by using this routine:
Getting students moving every class period
Getting students to notice the math first, before she says anything
De-fronting the classroom
Whatever your goals this upcoming school year, this routine seems to be one that will really go far to get students processing the mathematics as well as owning their learning.
Another must-read is an oldie but a goodie from Geoff Krall, found here. Entitled Seven (Sneaky) Activities to Get Your Students Talking Mathematically, Geoff highlights some amazing activities that are sure to get discourse going in your classroom.
Happy Math!
Written by Matt Engle (@pickpocketsbme)