Have A Piece of Desmos
Last week, Desmos released an activity to help support Geometry teachers. The Sector Area activity focuses on the sector area of a circle, starting with student intuition and working its way to students making generalizations about sector area in circles. Brilliant!
If this is a sample of what’s to come from Desmos regarding more geometry focused activities, I’m super excited. In case you might have missed it, they currently have a beta geometry tool for all of us to try out and provide feedback on.

Euclid’s Head Scratcher

Fawn found another head scratcher for us. And in typical fashion, she tested it out on her students and reports back to us to delight in. She found Euclid’s Algorithm and presented various stages to her students so they could look for patterns and structure. Students made beautiful conjectures and demonstrated high engagement and interest. Bookmark this post. I’m sure you’ll return to it many times, just like I have done so.

~by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)