The Math Missus and More!

I just found out, via Jocelyn Dagenais (@jocedage) about a wonderful new Canadian series on the CBCNL YouTube channel, called “The Math Missus”. Catchy title, no? It deals with the myth that there is such a thing as a “math person” – that you’ve either got it or you don’t. I still struggle with the question myself, even as a math teacher, so it helps to hear from the experts. Bonus that they’re from my country of Canada!
John Golden (@mathhombre) shared this post by Harry O’Malley (@harrytomalley) about how simulations are a better way to represent data than traditional graphs. It seems related to (but I’m not sure) my recent thoughts about how I can get my students to model a function’s rate of change as opposed to the shape of its curve. At any rate, it really struck a note.
I once wrote a post on my own blog about being an explainaholic. Michael Pershan’s post about going beyond the beyond in our explanations (@mpershan) offered me some some intervention – specifically how to get better at explaining. And of course, Michael explains explaining very well!
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)