When We Falter…
Over the past week a number of teachers have looked at the #MTBoSblogsplosion for their blogging inspiration. These teachers rose to the challenge in this week’s theme, “We all fall down.” Their posts talk about the kinds of failures they deal with in and out of the classroom and their response.
In Cathy Yenca’s response she described a couple of classes whose ambitious, “discovery/constructivist” lessons fell apart. She writes about the disappointment in having to take over the class and offer direct instruction in order to cover the material. Certainly an understandable mistake, Cathy ends her post with the same question I’ve wanted to ask #MTBoS when faced with this situation: “I haven’t figured this out yet, friends. When this happens to you, how do you handle it?”
Gregory Taylor used his response to offer a reasoned analysis of what failure looks like as a teacher. This post, Failure is Relative, contains lots of interesting ideas about how to approach failure, such as: “Create your own little offline failure journal for learning purposes, and get the negativity out of your head. Then picture that others are doing the same – maybe they are!”
Laurie Hailer’s post Feeling Overwhlemed, Math Teacher? offers lots of practical advice and interesting insight in a post that is centered around self care. Laurie suggests: “When things start to feel really intense, take a break. Let your mind and body relax. You’ll actually handle the work demands better, once you forget about it for a while.”
For some, the way to deal with falling down is not just to get up, but to help other do the same. If you are one who is interested in doing more, then you should read Tina Cardone’s post about standing up for education. In the post What Can I Do Tina lists a number of proactive ways to lift yourself off of the mat and make a difference for math education.
Written by Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)