What I’ve Been Reading

Well, I’ve been reading about what Glenn Waddell is reading – a pre-release edition of Malke Rosenfeld’s forthcoming book Math on the Move. One of the great features of this post is that Glenn clearly describes what Math on the Move is not about, which was very helpful for someone like me, who has not had the opportunity to participate in one of Malke’s workshops. As a secondary teacher (like Glenn), the whole idea of using movement to teach math is foreign, and perhaps a bit lot scary (all those teenagers roaming freely…), but reading Glenn’s post, and the sample chapter available at Heinemann has whet my appetite for more. Maybe it will whet yours as well.
Some bloggers use their young children as material for writing; the perspective of being both teacher and parent of math students lends a particularly astute insight into the results of our professional actions. In August, Geoff Krall wrote about the personal pain inflicted on his daughter (and by extension, many children) by a system which sends the message that only some students can be great at math starting as early as kindergarten. But Geoff doesn’t cast blame only on the system, but reflects on his own participation in the politics of education privilege. I love this post for its honesty, and for the opportunity it gives me as a teacher to better understand the wide-ranging effects of programming decisions on our students.
I love Grace Chen’s blog, educating grace; her thoughtful analysis of race, class, inclusivity (and exclusivity) in their many manifestations in our educational system always leave me with a lot to thing about and research. In her most recent post, who am I talking to?, Grace reflects about her break from social media – whether her overbooked schedule justifies it during this election season which can be described as, among many other words, heretofore unbelievable. And she leaves us with a great gift – a curated list of readings on important issues that maybe become while the current media circus reigns. There’s some quality reading to be done, thanks to Grace.
Written by Wendy Menard (@wmukluk)