#MTBoSBlaugust Rolls On

August is halfway done but plenty of great bloggers are far from finished with their contributions to this month’s writing challenge. Mark Chubb described how finishing the lesson well can provide new learning opportunities in the post Never Skip the Closing Of The Lesson. In this post Mark uses a Marilyn Burns problem (pictured above) to highlight 3 different steps of closing a lesson well. He goes on to provide more information, driving home the point that “Closing a lesson takes time, but skipping the close is the biggest waste of time!”
Over at Math Equals Love, Sarah describes the group game “Guess My Rule.” After reading Elizabeth Cohen’s Designing Groupwork: Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom, Sarah was inspired to create this game and to implement it alongside two other games in the first week of school. To learn more, check out the post Guess My Rule.
Lastly, Casey has essentially turned her blog into an acrostic poem. Her latest post focuses on the letter E and has focused on the environment of her classroom. Check out the post to see pictures of her classroom including her “#MTBoS Wall.”
Written by Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)