
This week, an important and fascinating chat happened on twitter, and I only happened upon it late. From the snippets of #MTBoS reactions, I could tell this was a hot talk, which is why I spent some time afterward looking for posts about it. A conversation between James Tanton and Andrew Hacker was live-tweeted using the hashtag #MoMathEdTalk, on the topic of the future of math education. The talk was happening at an event called Course Corrections, sponsored by the Museum of Math. Hacker was arguing that too much math is taught in high schools, most of which damages students’ chances of graduating, and isn’t needed anyway. Tanton’s thesis was that we need to continue teaching math, but with joy. There will be a video of the talk released soon, apparently, but in the meantime, check out the #momathedtalk stream (which I didn’t even know was a thing), and here are two reaction posts from Wendy Menard and Patrick Honner.
Written by Audrey McLaren (@a_mcsquared)