Flashback: A Mathematical Exploration with Mysterious Manipulatives
This week Jamie Duncan tweeted about having purchased one of my favorite mathematical manipulatives for her classroom.

The reason why I love cuisenaire rods is, that not only are they a mathematical manipulative, but they have inherent algebraic properties. Quantity and number comparisons are a natural fit, whether talking whole numbers or fractions. There is seemingly no structure to these mysterious manipulatives until you discover their fundamental pattern. The white is a unit and so on.

This reminded me of one of my favorite blog posts by Simon Gregg about the Hundred Face Activity. First dig out your cuisenaire rods, do Simon’s (and Malke’s) activity, and then tweet about it under #HundredFaceChallenge!
My other challenge for you is to grab your favorite mathematical manipulatives and as the year winds down, find or create a fun and mathematically challenging activity for your students to do with them! And then let us know about it! Have fun and do some math!
~by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)