New Ideas Around The Blogosphere

New Ideas Around The Blogosphere

Edited By Carl Oliver @carloliwitter

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Last week Kasi Allen presented Math Trauma: Healing Our Classrooms, Our Students, and Our Discipline. “Math trauma” is a real thing, affecting students and adults at every level. Research from a range of elds—including psychology, cognitive science, and neuroimaging—indicates that such trauma keeps many students from succeeding mathematically. As math teachers, we play a powerful role in validating the condition and supporting healing. To view the recording click here

Global math is on hiatus this week due to the NCTM Conference in San Francisco this week. Join us next week for

#NCTM My Favorites: Recaps from NCTM Annual Conference: San Francisco Edition! where speakers will share some of their favorite moments from NCTM16.

Great Blogging Action

The Many Ways Things Make Sense


You know it’s a good workshop when everyone walks away learning something new. It’s an especially good workshop when ‘everyone’ includes the workshop facilitator!

At a workshop on increasing student engagement and discourse in the math classroom, Chase Orton (@mathgeek76) walked away with a number of new things to think about. In particular, he learned the power of one phrase that “opens up learning opportunities for all learners and puts the focus on explaining sense making rather than just getting answers”. In “The Powerful Phrase: ‘…in a way that makes sense to you’” Part 1 and Part 2, groups of teachers were working on a  Clothesline tasks, inspired in part by the work of Andrew Stadel and Chris Shore. As Chase was rearranging numbers on one group’s clothesline, the group said “Whoa whoa whoa!!  What are you doing?” This group had a clothesline that made sense to them, and as Chase wrote, “their order does indeed make sense if I would get out of the way to let them explain.”

The two posts bring out many ideas about how the teacher or facilitator can stay open-minded to the thinking that people work on in groups.

By Carl Oliver (@carloliwitter)


I have a confession to make.  I love writing for this newsletter because it forces me to catch up on everything that’s built up in blog reader.  And when I do, the abundance of ideas is overwhelmingly great.  This afternoon, I forwarded 12 links to myself, took 5 screen shots, and made lists on 3 different pads.  

Tina Cardone wrote about setting up Math Practice Portfolios for her students last summer, and this week she’s given us a report on the results thus far, complete with examples of student work.  She’s created a wonderful structure for her students (and the rest of us!) to monitor their growth as mathematicians.

​I cannot WAIT to listen to Episode 1 of Anne Schwartz’s new podcast, Chalkline.  Anne writes about (among many other things) issues of social justice in the classroom, and she plans to address these in her podcast.  Her first guest, Megan Hayes Golding, addresses LGBTQ issues in teaching.  

​If you’ve never read about Jonathan Claydon’s Sidewalk Chalk activity, go do that right now!  For the last five years, he has taken his students outside to draw polar graphs on the sidewalk around the school.  The pictures are completely inspiring, and I’m wondering how I can add a little color to Brooklyn during our Coordinate Geometry unit…

Don Steward.  That’s all.  I know I’ve written about him before, but his prolific posts continually blow me away  – how does he come up with those beautifully simple yet rigorous ideas that go right to the heart of the structure of a topic?   Looking for a rigorous Geometry task?  This problem on the volume of a torus took my breath away, as I thought about how my students COULD actually do this.  This happens with post after post on this blog.

Finally, Evelyn Lamb delves into an error in Andrew Hacker’s book, The Math Myth: And Other STEM Delusions in her blog in Scientific American.  There are a lot of reasons (IMHO) to reject Hacker’s ideas, but I love Evelyn’s analysis of the story of Jeb Bush and the 3-4-5 triangle.

Cheers – Wendy Menard

Hot on Twitter: #NCTMAnnual starts this week

And stop by Booth 1335 (p. 193 in Program Book) to pick up a #MTBoS ribbon! @NCTM @themathforum @crstn85 @MFAnnie pasta? #MTBoS

Global Math Department and #NCTMAnnual

There are a number of presenters at this year’s NCTM Annual Conference who shared talk with Global Math earlier this school year. If you’re not able to go to San Francisco, you can still learn from these speakers by watching their talks below. If you are able to go to the conference, use the links below to find the rooms and times of each talk.

Presenter  Global Math Talk #NCTMAnnual Talk
Bob Lochel TMC15 – My Favorites Explore Variability and Inference with Student-Generated Data
Carmel Schettino Problem-Based Learning: Clarifying Misconceptions and Understanding Differences Mentoring Each Other: Teaching Teachers to Teach with PBL
Matt Larson An Update on Initiatives from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics A Brief History of Math Education: Lessons for Today
Amy Lucenta, Grace Kelemanik On-Ramps to Mathematical Thinking for Students with Learning Disabilities Through the Standards for Mathematical Practice Teach Your Students to Think Like Mathematicians
Heather Kohn TMC: History, 2016 Preview, Speaker Proposal FAQ Experiencing the Engineering Design Process through a Math Lens
Geoff Krall Designing Systems of Teacher Learning Around Student Work Experiencing the Engineering Design Process through a Math Lens
Robert Berry #blackkidsdomath Using Identity and Agency to Frame Equitable Teaching Practices
Shelley Carranza Desmos Activity Builder: Best Practices for Charging Up Your Middle School & High School Lessons Three Phases of Constructing Viable Arguments
Kasi Allen Math Trauma: Healing Our Classrooms, Our Students, and Our Discipline Healing Math Trauma: What to Do When Math Hurts

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