Remote Conferencing: Be Less Jealous!
This year at NCTM Regionals it seemed that #MTBoS was taking over…

However, I was assured that it may just be my twitter lens and that #MTBoS still has a lot of work left to do…

For those of us who couldn’t make it to NCTM: Nashville this year, where the #MTBoS take-over was burgeoning, a new resource was provided by some valiant #MTBoS-ers, like Mike Flynn and Pam Wilson…

Periscope is an app that allows users to live stream video and save it for up to 24 hours. So if you miss a session or aren’t at the conference at all, Periscope can provide an opportunity to engage in a new way. The only thing is the 24 hour window, to which Mike and Pam have sought an answer. Katch will store user’s live-streamed videos seemingly indefinitely.
Finally, here is an open google doc started by Michael Pershan including his (and many other’s) thoughts about the NCTM conference experience. This maybe yet another way for those not at a certain conference to engage with those were there.
written by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)