This Week at Global Math:
Lesson Study in Action
Hear from teachers who attended the Park City Mathematics Institute and participated in a lesson study — collaboratively planning a lesson, teaching it, re-evaluating the lesson, and teaching it again.
Join us Tuesday, August 18th at 9pm EST.
Sign up here.
Last week’s recording on What To Do on the First Day of School can be viewed here.
Bring it on Down to Bloggerville

While at the NCTM High School Interactive Institute in Anaheim at the end of July I got to meet Judit Moshkovich and attended her talk on the Common Core and English Learners. One awesome resource that’s just getting rolling that she shared in her talk is Understanding Langauge, a project out of Stanford University. Here’s a clip from their ‘about’ page:
“ Understanding Language aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. The long-term goal of the initiative is to increase recognition that learning the language of each academic discipline is essential to learning content. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information; articulating and building on ideas; constructing explanations; engaging in argument from evidence—such language-rich performance expectations permeate the new Standards.”
Some links to start you off on this site:
Mathematics, the Common Core, and Langauge, by Dr. Moshkovich (Includes a video, and she’s on twitter!)
Resources just for Math Teachers
by Ashli Black (@mythagon)