This Week at Global Math – 3/9/2021


Curated By Nate Goza @thegozaway

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Online Professional Development Sessions

No Webinar this Week.

Next Week 3/16:

Making Student Thinking Visible: Replacing Math Tests with Math Chats in a Remote Learning Environment

Presented by Kristen Emmel

Do you love a good number talk? What if we could make our math assessments less like a traditional test and more like a math chat?

In this presentation we will investigate how to leverage technology to help us make our assessments match our classroom routines (even in a remote setting). Discover how Math Chats can provide students with the opportunity to make their thinking visible with multimedia responses. Watch how teachers can gain a deeper understanding of student misconceptions through dynamic interview-style assessments. During our time together we will look at sample tasks and student responses, discuss the power and flexibility of scoring assessments on a 1-point rubric, and how to use Math Chats as a progress monitoring tool.

To register for this webinar, click here.


Thursday (March 11) will be the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Despite its apparent “natural” cause– the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami– an independent investigative panel called Fukushima “a profoundly manmade disaster– that could and should have been foreseen and prevented. And its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response” (Kurokawa, 2012). Its effects are still being lived by displaced people, sick workers, and animals designated for slaughter because they are no longer good to eat. Philosopher Alexis Shotwell writes about farmers who have chosen to stay/return to Fukushima to care for radioactive cattle, calling their work a form of “care-as-protest” against the systems and ideologies that suggest the human and animal lives affected by (manmade) disaster no longer matter.

Thursday will also be the first anniversary of the WHO declaring COVID a pandemic: another profoundly manmade disaster, despite its apparent “natural” (viral) cause, because of how humans have responded and failed to respond. As people continue to die at a pace nearly impossible to make sense of and properly grieve, other people have created memorials as a form of care, for those whose lives were truncated and for those who are mourning, and as a form of protest against the anonymization, minimization, and anesthetization– the not mattering– that happens when lives affected by (manmade) disaster are relegated to statistics.

For many people, the events of the past year have heightened questions about how to be a human in a hot mess of a world, and specifically, how to be a mathematics teacher. I have so appreciated the many brilliant posts in this newsletter exploring and pressing on what mathematics teachers can and should be doing (by @LBmathemagician, @Hkhodai, and @melvinmperalta especially) for their students, for themselves, and for our world. There are no simple answers, because we are all complicit (as participants, especially with institutional authority) in the disastrous systems that tell mathematics students– especially BIPoC students for whom US public schools were not designed, students who identify or are identified as girls, students who are labeled or made disabled– that they and their mathematicalness do not matter. And there are certainly no universal answers, because we all operate from who we are and where we are and how we are uniquely, and what’s right for one of us may not be right for another. But that does not mean there are no responses.

For my dissertation, I had the opportunity to spend a year observing how two veteran mathematics teachers “do what [they] can– recognizing that what [they] can do, on its own, will never be enough” (Shotwell, 2016) to singlehandedly disrupt or dismantle the manmade disasters we are all living through. And what I found in what they do prompted me to think about a concept philosophers call response-ability. More than just a play on words, response-ability is a way of being that emphasizes what responses are made possible by your responses, and what responses are made possible by those responses, and so on.

For example, one of the teachers described getting to know students as a process of constantly trying out new ways of interacting with individual students: “is this something that makes [a student] smile when I say it? Is it something that makes them laugh when I say it? Is it something that makes them cringe when I say it?” In other words, what student responses are made possible by what you say and do, and what kind of further responses do those responses enable from you? Responses matter because they are how we show what matters, and what matters to us is often revealed by responses we aren’t able to deliberate about in advance. When a student turns off their Zoom camera in the middle of class, do we mention it publicly, privately, in the moment, later, or at all? When a student interrupts a classmate, do we ignore it? Correct the behavior? Embrace the contribution? What student responses are made possible by each of these responses– and what further responses are then made possible for you? 

This past year I know many people have sought meaningful ways to enact their values that Black Lives Matter, that migrant lives matter, that incarcerated lives matter, that elderly and immunocompromised lives matter. We can post signs or statements, we can design lesson plans, we can speak up in meetings, we can vote, we can certainly do many more things. But also, how can your in-the-moment responses show students that they matter? That their thinking matters, their mathematical ideas matter, but also, even if they don’t have any ideas they feel like sharing in the moment, mathematical or not, that they matter?

Written by Grace Chen @graceachen

It’s been a year, friends. 

Although the last 365 days have felt more like a lifetime than a single rotation around the sun, that is exactly what it has been: one year since many of us began doing a new, difficult thing, learning new, difficult skills, teaching in a new, difficult way. With doing difficult things, the heaviness of this season has been ever present, like a weight sitting on the chest, preventing a full inhale.
Since President Biden announced the positioning of teachers as essential and therefore eligible for vaccination before the general public in their same age bracket, I have seen many a picture grace my twitter feed filled with hope. And since almost all of the last 365 days have brought with them a sense of dread and despair, I am thankful for the remembrance of hope. Each of your masked smiles, band-aid covered arms,  and “I DIDN’T THROW AWAY MY SHOT!” stickers remind me that hope is eternal. No matter how long we sit with despair, hope will return. 

I encourage you, friends, that with every “Second Dose Done!” tweet you see, you pause and rest in hope. Let it fill you up. Let it bring you joy. May you be encouraged. Even if you haven’t been offered your vaccine yet, may you receive the joy in being connected to the hope fulfilled from others. 


Get Involved with the Newsletter

Our team of writers and curators is committed to produce content that is reflective of our Statement of Solidarity and with the goal of moving these words into action.

With this in mind we are calling for new volunteers to expand our perspectives and raise our collective voices to move this publication forward. If you are interested in becoming a regular contributor or would like the opportunity to contribute as a guest writer, please fill out this form.

Research and GMD – Join the Study!

The Global Math Department and researchers at North Carolina State University are undertaking a study to learn about teachers’ learning experiences from participation in the GMD. You can participate in this study if you have participated in the GMD as a presenter, attendee of a GMD conference, or reader of the GMD newsletter. 

We invite you to click the link to join the study as a participant and to learn more!

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