This Week at Global Math – 5/12/2020


Edited By Chase Orton  @mathgeek76

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Online Professional Development Sessions


Making (Math) Thinking Visible: Embracing Edtech to Help Students Demonstrate Understandings

Presented by Stacey Roshan

This session will examine specific examples using Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Sutori. Participants will learn how to create student-paced Pear Deck activities with embedded Flipgrid prompts to create exercises that allow students to reflect on how they are understanding the new information they are receiving. At the conclusion of the Pear Deck activity, teachers can use Pear Deck Takeaways to have students revise errors and talk about how their understanding of the topic has improved to help them arrive at a new solution to the problem. Having students evaluate how they approached problems done in the past is an important component of the learning process. By actively reflecting on what they learned and how they learned it, students are able to grow their understandings beyond rote memorization. And in the reflection process, students become aware of holes in their knowledge. This awareness is a powerful component in helping students learn how to learn.

Sutori is another edtech tool that will be showcased in this session. Participants will be walked through an activity asking students to look back on past work and document how it relates to their new knowledge. Reflection is key to learning, and this project provides students the opportunity to tap into prior knowledge and form a deeper understanding of connections between the chapters being studied. As with the Pear Deck activity, Flipgrid is infused into this activity to allow students the opportunity to talk out their thought process directly to their webcam.

To join us at 9:00 PM EST for this webinar click here!

Next Week!

Deliberate Practice:
How Math Teachers Can Close the Professional Development Gap

Presented by Chase Orton

I have a confession—math class isn’t working for some of my students. Despite my best efforts, I continue to struggle to meet the myriad of social, emotional, and academic needs of all my students while also moving learning forward for the whole class. Maybe you or someone you work with is also facing this same challenge. Maybe math class isn’t working for some of your students too. If so, please know it’s not your fault. Math teaching is a difficult and complex task, and I know we all want to get better at it. But to get better, we need to close the gap between the PD we’re offered and the PD we need. In this webinar, I will share my thoughts on what’s wrong about our current approaches to PD while also offering you a pathway for a more coherent, teacher-centered approach to your professional learning as a math teacher. While teachers of mathematics are the intended audience, this webinar has value for any educator vested in improving the quality of teaching in the math classroom.

Register ahead of time by clicking here!

You can always check out past and upcoming Global Math Department webinars. Click here for the archives or get the webinars in podcast form!

From the World of Math Ed

“Disaster Distance Learning”: 5 Items After 2 Months

[The term “disaster distance learning” is from a blog post by @TheJLV.]

Before getting into this week’s updates, one GMD note from me: The Global Math Department has allowed me to manage their twitter account. I’ve been trying to use it more actively, and will appreciate any and all feedback from anyone willing to give it! What would you like to see more or less of as the school year comes to an end and over the summer vacation (as applicable)? There is some really great content in our newsletters and webinars, and I am hoping GMD can be a source of information that helps rather than overloads. ?

This contribution contains 5 items; please read in accordance with your bandwidth. I’m listing the 5 items before their respective tweets.

1) Virtual Advisory: Zoom-based morning Advisory/Homeroom from Sam J Shah;
2) Where are the educators?: Chalkbeat on NY Governor Cuomo ‘Reimagine Education’ Council;
3) Blaming Teachers?: Brian Robinson unpacks a thread from Nikole Hannah-Jones;
4) Preprint: Cathery Yeh and Laurie Rubel (2020) “Queering Mathematics: Disrupting Binary Oppositions in Mathematics Pre-service Teacher Education”;
5) #31DaysIBPOC: I strongly recommend a piece by fellow GMD contributor Hema Khodai.

Tweet and Blog Post:

Tweet and Link:

Quote-Retweet Commentary and Original Tweet (a bit of a rabbit hole):

Tweet and Preprint (quick read if you have it in you!):

Tweet and #31DaysIBPOC Contribution:

A closing word from Audre Lorde: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

I know that we will Move Beyond (whatever that means) the present conditions; but, we need caring educators to preserve themselves. Please do not neglect self-care!

Benjamin Dickman [@benjamindickman]

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