This Week: Check your tone and Cathy is on Fire!

This Week: Check your tone and Cathy is on Fire!

Edited By Sahar Khatri @khatrimath

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Online Professional Development Sessions

Unfortunately, this week’s talk How Definitions of Math & Equity Relate to Who Excels is postponed. We’ll keep you updated on the new date. Until then enjoy last weeks recording and we hope you join us again next week.

Last week we contrasted mathematical questions and tasks that focus on simply “doing” mathematics to questions and tasks that evoke mathematical reasoning. It is ALL about the questions.Questions/tasks at all levels from Kindergarten through Grade 12 were explored. To listen to the recording of Mathematical Reasoning click here.

Great Blogging Action

Reflect on the Message and Tone

Image result for school teacher

Whether last week was your first week with students or whether you’ve had students for almost a month, it’s always important to reflect on the messages and tone being set in your mathematics class.

Tracy Zager reminds us of this in a poignantly personal piece about her daughter’s first day of math class.

Do you want your class to start like this:

  • There will be no talking.

  • You may not work together.

  • I can not help you.

Or would you rather it start like some of the ideas shared during last Thursday’s #SwDMathChat, where the topic was the first day of school?

Whenever your first day of school was, its never too late to start the right way!

~by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)

P.S. Join #SwDMathChat every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. The next chat is on September 22nd at 9pm EST. If you’d like to guest moderate a chat, sign up by clicking the button below!

Sign Up to Moderate #SWDMathChat

Cathy Is On Fire


If you’ve never tuned into Cathy Yenca’s blog, carve out a few hours and get plugged in. Recently, she’s been on fire with some great posts, ideas, and a plethora of Desmos activities. Here are two post recaps:

Classroom & Twitter Hodge-Podge

Cathy always expresses her gratitude for the #MTBoS and this post is no exception, ranging from student playlists to Explain Everything to Desmos. As I said, she’s on fire building some amazing Desmos activities. Add this link to your bookmarks and check out her

5 Practices in a 1:1 Classroom

Cathy gives us some simple tips on ways to use digital tools and student work to extend the power of NCTM’s 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions. In addition to monitoring student work, Cathy is excited to “see and analyze student work/thinking outside of class.” allowing her to see student mistakes and misconceptions. Even after 15 years of teaching she came across a new mistake. That’s exciting! I highly recommend you check out the rest of her blog post here.


~by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

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