What are your goals for the year?

What are your goals for the year?

Edited By Ashli Black @mythagon

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Today at Global Math

Today at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific, join us to take a look at different ideas and structures to help make Back to School Night a memorable and great experience for your parents!

Click here to join the conference.

Last week (Tuesday, September 15, 9 PM EDT), Jennifer Bogie and others presented the session Warm-ups: What are they good for?

Check out the recording here.

Great Blogging Action

Back to School Night and more…


What is a math teacher to do when faced with a room full of parents waiting to hear how you are going to make their children mathematical experts?


Give them a positive math message! But how do you do that? Besides going to tonight’s awesome Global Math Department meeting about Back to School Night, the illustrious Fawn Nguyen has shared with us all of her Back to School Night slides.  What stands out to me is that she doesn’t just talk about what routines and math the students will be doing, she shows them.  In my opinion, the best way to give someone a positive message about math is to allow them have a personally positive experience with math.  Her slides can be a guide for how to get started.  


What’s more important than getting to know the parents of the students in your class?


The students.

michelle full house duh.gif


Sam Shah has shared with us the survey he gives to his students as their first “homework” assignment.  As the homework debate rages on, Sam shows us how homework can be truly valuable to both the students and the teacher!

written by Andrew Gael (@bkdidact)



It’s great to have goals for the school year. In Joe Schwartz’ recent blog post, Can I Get Some Feedback With That Pie?, I realized that Joe and I have extremely similar goals.


My goal: learn more about K-5 math happenings to make stronger connections in 6-8.

Joe’s goal: make better connections with his ILA teachers.


My goal: work at providing students/teachers with feedback that keeps the learning move forward. Inspired by Robert Q. Berry.

Joe’s goal: collaborate with teachers to explore ways we can give better feedback.



  • What are your goals?

  • Who can you team up with to keep each other accountable?

  • What will it look like if/when you have reached your goal(s) this year?

  • How will you be able to measure the effectiveness of reaching (or not reaching) your goal(s) this year?

I want to know. Tweet me. Submissions so far:

written by Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel)

If you want more math resources be sure to check out Global Math’s Project Page

Global Math Department Needs Your Help!

The Global Math Department is looking for individuals who are interested in planning the Tuesday night webinars hosted on Big Marker. GMD bookers contact potential speakers regarding speaking opportunities, and provide them with details on planning sessions. If you are interested in being more involved with the Global Math Department, contact Heather at heather.m.kohn@gmail.com or Dylan at dkane47@gmail.com.

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