Ready or Not, School is here! – Revised slightly

Ready or Not, School is here! – Revised slightly

Included this week: This week’s Global Math webinar details, some blogs posts you might have missed.  Edited by Megan Schmidt

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This Week at Global Math: What to Do on the First Day of School

For many of us, the first day of school is coming fast! Come hear ideas for how to spend that first day with students from Jasmine Walker, Tina Cardone, Laila Nur, Julie Reulbach, and Heather Kohn.

Join us Tuesday, August 11th at 9pm EST.  Sign up here.  

Last week’s recording on My Favorites from Twitter Math Camp can be viewed here

Bring it on Down to Bloggerville

Brain Bushart has taken professional development to a new level over the past week.  Under the hashtag #rrmathrocksyou can follow a group of elementary teachers as they begin to explore the #MTBoS and much of the awesomeness it has to offer.  If you’re looking for ways to fire up you grade level or department’s PD you’ll want to check out his last two posts.

On day one, Brain challenged teachers to join Twitter and begin collaborating with our amazing online community.  If you’re reading this, you should pop on over to their RRISD Math Rocks Blog and post a comment to one of their teacher blogs (located on the right hand side).  

One of the biggest take-aways from #TMC15 was that we need more elementary folk involved in this community… and Brian has taken the lead.

Welcome to #MTBoSBlaugust

Ignited by ShellI Temple, a group of MTBoS blogger decided to jump start their blogging this school year by blogging as much as they can this August.  Here are a few recent blogs with great insights about starting the school year on fire:

**Shelli’s blog that ignited this movement:  Teaching Statistics

Algebra’s Friend
SUM Educator
he Radical Rational
Mis)Adventures in Mathland
elieve in the Good
Type-A Mathland
he Angles Have the Phonebox

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