Data Rich with Diagnostics

Data Rich with Diagnostics

Date: June 28, 2022

I love a good story, more so, a data rich story. We live in a world of data…but do we always use it and use it effectively? As educators, data informs our practice but we are often plagued with the task of how to manage it, review it, and break it down. Leaving us to ask how does diagnostic data support us?

Presenters: Kat Hendry

Recommended Grade Level: K-12

Hosted by: Rana Arshed Hafiz

Watch the full presentation at:

The Status Quo in High School Math is Unacceptable

The Status Quo in High School Math is Unaceeptable

Date: June 14, 2022

Today, it seems as if nearly everyone agrees that high school mathematics needs to change. For far too long, math has not worked for far too many students. Math has not changed substantially in my lifetime, nor has it changed substantially for most students, teachers & schools. It is clearly an issue – and it is time to discuss and make serious changes.

Presenters: Eric Milou

Recommended Grade Level: 9-12

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

On a Thinking Classroom – Reflections after 8 years of Implementation

On a Thinking Classroom – Reflections after 8 years of Implementation

Date: May 31, 2022

After spiraling courses for 5 years, I was lucky enough to hear Peter Liljedahl speak about Building Thinking Classrooms. With the energy of a young teenager I immediately implemented his ideas and never looked back. During this hour we will share the best of the practices in a thinking classroom and reflect on next steps.

Presenters: Alexander Overwijk

Recommended Grade Level: K-12

Hosted by: Rana Arshed Hafiz

Watch the full presentation at:

Rethinking the Traditional Warm Up

Rethinking the Traditional Warm Up

Date: May 17, 2022

Typical warm up problems in math class often take longer than expected. How do you invite students to join classroom thinking without taking a significant amount of class time? This presentation will show some ways to invite students to find patterns, activate prior learning, and join classroom thinking.

Presenters: Juan Gómez

Recommended Grade Level: 9-12

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

What is Experience First, Formalize Later (EFFL)?

What is Experience First, Formailze Later (EFFL)?

Date: May 3, 2022

In this presentation, we will present a few lessons that have been developed for a student-centered classroom. In these lessons, students work in small groups to experience the learning before the teacher formalizes the learning with definitions and formulas. Using this learning structure, students engagement and retention increases, leading to better conceptual understanding over rote memorization.

Presenters: Lindsey Gallas, Sarah Stecher and Luke Wilcox

Recommended Grade Level: 9-12

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

Powerful Moments in Math Class: Why Certain Experiences Stand Out for Students and How to Create More of Them

Powerful Moments in Math Class: Why Certain Experiences Stand Out for Students and How to Create More of Them

Date: April 26, 2022

As teachers, we want our lessons to leave a long-lasting impression on students. When we understand the psychology behind our memories, we can use that knowledge to design powerful moments for our students. According to Heath and Heath (2018) memorable positive experiences contain one or more of the following elements: elevation, insight, pride, and connection. We will learn how to leverage each of these elements in math class to create meaningful and memorable experiences for all students.

Presenter: Mike Flynn

Recommended Grade Level: General Audience

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

Reigniting our passion: Ten tips to thrive post-pandemic (are we there yet…?)

Reigniting our passion: Ten tips to thrive post-pandemic (are we there yet…?)

Date: April 5, 2022

Here we are, still perpetually caught in a purgatory none of us saw coming. Let’s talk about what really happens in classrooms, help each other to re-center our efforts, and explore actionable steps to embrace math, value every student, and advocate for your classroom while staying true to and rediscovering your passion for mathematics in a (hopefully soon) post-pandemic era. We will discuss 10 strategies and mindsets no one has told you – but they should have! Whether it is your 1st or 41st year of teaching, come learn how to embrace your passion for teaching. Topics include knowing your why, thriving with any colleague or administrator, and advocating for students via voice and choice. Leave with actionable steps to help take care of yourself, your colleagues, and your students while using your personal stories to learn how to do and be better together.

Presenter: Sean Nank

Recommended Grade Level: K – 12

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

Halt 8 Thinking Thieves

Halt 8 Thinking Theives

Date: March 22, 2022

How do we unintentionally limit student thinking? What should we do instead? Come engage in an interactive session on how to combat 8 thinking thieves and learn how the 8 effective teaching practices champion student thinking!

Presenter: Traci Jackson

Recommended Grade Level: K – 12

Hosted by: Jill Bemis

Watch the full presentation at:

If You Let Your Students Surprise You, They Will

If You Let Your Students Surprise You, They Will

Date: March 8, 2022

For many students, math class embodies the opposite of surprise: getting the right answer and using the right way to get to that answer. But the most joyful learning-and teaching!-happens when we relish ambiguity, invite the unexpected, and let students surprise us with their varied brilliance.

Presenters: Eli Luberoff

Recommended Grade Level: 6 – 12

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at:

Developing Mathematical Literacy through Equitable Teaching Practices

Developing Mathematical Literacy through Equitable Teaching Practices

Date: February 22, 2022

Presenters: Farshid Safi

How do we develop mathematical literacy with our students through equitable teaching practices in order to make sense of an ever changing world? In this interactive session, we will explore intentional ways to effectively engage K-12 and post-secondary students in collaborative practices that leverage their identity, brilliance, and lived experiences. Together we will highlight specific ways in which mathematical reasoning plays a pivotal role in making well-founded decisions to bring about a more just society.

Recommended Grade Level: K – 12, Postsecondary

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Watch the full presentation at: