Throw Everything and See What Sticks

Throw Everything and See What Sticks

Presented by: Jason Slowbe

What can the Dog Whisperer teach us about Class Culture? What can Restaurant Impossible teach us about Curriculum Design? Who can argue with NCTM’s slogan “More and Better Mathematics for Each and Every Student”? (I can, kinda)

As classroom teachers we get a bunch of resources, best practices, and other PD stuff thrown at us – most of which does not stick. We even throw a bunch of stuff at our students, hopeful that something (anything!) will stick to them. In this webinar I will share a few of the most influential metaphors, ideas, and best practices that have stuck to me. We have a lot to learn from each other, so I invite you to attend and share what has stuck to you also.

Building Positive Class Culture and Student Motivation
My Favorite Questioning Strategies
My Love/Hate Relationship with Grading
Critical Thinking is for Teachers too

Hosted by: Paula Torres

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

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Presented on April 10, 2018

Planting the Seeds of Algebra

Planting the Seeds of Algebra

Presented by: Monica Neagoy

Children of today, leaders of tomorrow, will use technological tools that far exceed our imagination. This reality begs the question: What is our purpose in teaching computation, for instance, when already-existing tools can compute, solve or simulate faster and more efficiently than we?” Recent standards for mathematics in many countries have answered the question by raising the bar for parents and teachers alike: our greater purpose for teaching elementary mathematics is to develop algebraic thinking, or better yet,deep mathematical thinking. This talk will give concrete examples of what this looks like, sounds like and feels like in grades K through 6, that teachers will be able to use with their students in the weeks to follow. Once you have seen the powerful bridges from elementary mathematics to higher mathematics, you will never look at odd and even numbers, subtraction, division, equality and other topics in the same way again…and your students will be forever empowered!

Hosted by: Shauna Hedgepeth

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

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Presented on April 3, 2018

Facilitating Discussion

Facilitating Discussion

Presented by: Eileen Mooney

Facilitating discussion in a mathematics classroom can be challenging. Many students have never been in a classroom where legitimate discussion about mathematical topics has occurred, thus developing such discussions can be awkward and seemingly impossible. Over the last five years, I have been facilitating daily discussions in my Geometry classes using a variety of curricula. In this presentation, I will share what I have learned, from the mindsets I adopted to facilitate discussion, to how I help students develop their own sense of certainty when mathematical concepts are not necessarily known or given, to how students model good “mathematician behavior” for each other, to encouraging risk and failure amongst their peers, and more.

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

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Presented on March 27, 2018

Increasing Dialogue in the Math Classroom

Increasing Dialogue in the Math Classroom

Presented by: Kevin Dykema

We know that dialogue in the mathematics classroom is essential to engage each and every student and develop their understanding of concepts. Let’s explore some easy to implement ways to increase the level of dialogue in your class!

Hosted by: Sheila Orr

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

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Presented on March 13, 2018

Rethinking Review Days

Rethinking Review Days

Presented by: Kelly Rooney & Tyrone Martinez-Black

Review days, review packets, test prep worksheets. <blah> Ever pine for something more substantial for your students that build conceptual understanding rather than cramming information? Well, throw out those old, dull review worksheets and save your review days for something better for your students. In this talk we will introduce and examine instructional techniques to make your review days targeted to individual students’ learning needs. Leveraging formative assessment, differentiation strategies, and the Standards for Mathematical Practice you can maximize the learning in all of your students in all of your instructional days.

Hosted by: Leigh Nataro

Note: Watch the full presentation at:

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Presented on February 27, 2018